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Cremation vs burial?

  • 71 votes
  • 12 votes
cbrd89 5 May 14

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Told my kid to put me in a Mason jar and take me to cool places. Leave a little of me at each one.


Donating organs/body to science.


I used to want cremation, but something I heard Neil Degrassi Tyson say made me change my mind. My whole life I have dined on flora and fauna of this world and when I die it's their turn to dine on me. This transition is my afterlife. I won't be aware of it, but everything that makes up me goes back into the engine of life

Exactly how I feel, I may add some lime to speed things up, but it'll be a cardboard coffin in a woods if I get my way. (After donating organs.)


Take what can be used, burn the rest. I've taken up enough space on this planet. Then it's up to my family. Spinkle me, dump me, put me in a closet or on the mantle...whatever makes them happy.


In the ten years I have burried two ladies and one guy. Burials run about 13,000 dollars including church funneral. Cremation with a celebration of life which includes the food- 3,000 dollars. Its not DUH or ROT it is pure economics.

I'd rather have a knees up than a funeral any day, hope they have fun telling stories about me 🙂

@cbrd89 🙂 So now... I sit and think of what I would like and I guess it would be more convenient for my friends and family for me to be cremated. lol I might insist that their be a church service with lots of zippy Jewish songs and zippy Christian songs with a song leader-- just to tease my atheist daughter and her similar husband.


Attach my dead naked body to 500 blowup dolls filled with hydrogen. Perhaps someone will think the rapture has come and they will be utterly devastated to have been left behind.


Donated to science...specifically, Herbert West


Tibetan Sky Funeral.


I've always thought that bodies should be frozen and shipped to a deep sea permanent rig above a deep ocean current where the bodies are liquidized and pumped a mile down. Would stop the use of land space for pointless burials and stop pollution by cremation.


Donate whatever organs I can, then cremate the rest and turn me into fertilizer for a tree. I'd like to be a part of nature.

Yeah. Had that conversation with my kids. The plan is donate whatever parts people want, cremate the rest.

All I ask is scatter the bits somewhere nice or somewhere it will annoy people I hate. Bonus points if they can satisfy both conditions.


Not my concern.
I'll be dead.
There's only two people anyone can call about my carcass. They'll both say the same thing - "not our body - not our problem"
So, I assume cremation by whatever agency is tasked.

It is nice if you plan enough so that if there is anyone after you who would be responsible for doing something with your remains, they don't have to spring for the costs.

For some, yes, and they should do that.


Cremation wastes energy and I'd rather assist with a plant to grow


Neither. I'm donating my body to science.


Ideally, I'd like a natural burial, no embalming, just dig a hole and put me in a burlap sack. Unfortunately, it's not very easy to do. My husband dies last year and I spent a couple days researching "green" burial. It's very expensive and not very accessible, I'd have had to pay for refrigeration and transportation to one of the few places that do it in my state. Although cremation isn't environmentally friendly, it's still less toxic than embalming and taking up real estate. I discovered in my research that cremated remains are not "food" because the high heat pretty much turns them into completely sterile material, so planting them with a tree is pointless. He went for a swim with the fishes in the Pacific ( need a permit apparently).


I'm really undecided at this point seeing as how I promised my cats they could eat me when I'm dead.

You could have the bits your cats won't eat cremated.

@GeorgeRocheleau I'm more concerned with being a gnarly hairball.

I'm already a gnarly hairball.


Technically I don’t care either way. I’ll be dead so what happens to my body, I won’t care.

But I suppose I would like a tombstone for family to visit if they want. However, cremation is more green for the Earth. But again, I’ll be dead so I won’t care one way or the other.


Organ harvest, I don’t care what they do with what’s left over


Parts for science/donors and then burn me and scatter my ashes over a pasture....ashes to ashes, dust to cow poop!!hahaha....


We're not going to know after we've died.

I like the thought of being buried and having a cherry tree planted over me. Nature reclaims and cherry trees are beautiful in blossom.

yeah just skip the embalming part


Ewww. I never thought of that!

@Ellatynemouth pretty much think we make ourselves into a toxic waste dump doing that. I just want to be planted and not messed with


Organ then burial, non toxic organic, no formaldehyde and no casket. Hopefully a burlap sack and my kids can plant a tree there if they want.


I just want a biodegradable dress and put me in a hole and put some dirt over me. That's it.


I would like to be sky buried (as in Eastern American Native practice) But I live in a very white world that is scared of death so... cremation maybe? or just commit sucide in the deep woods in the spring. The scavengers will take care of me.


My wife and I signed on with "Research For Life,LLC" in Arizona. They pick up the body, harvest valuable parts, then creamate the remains. My wife died on March 7th., 2018. She tested the system, and it worked well, at no cost.

In the UK we have a similar system where you can leave your body to science for them to do whatever they want and they dispose of the rest after but they refuse bodies if they have been operated on in any way such as hip replacements etc.


Ashes up the stack of a steam locomotive, but any useful organs harvested prior.


I would like to hope that by the time I die that being composted would be an option....

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