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Estranged and grieving. Is anyone in an estrangement situation with an adult child or parent who would like to discuss it?

Elusia8 6 May 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I was estranged from my dad from the age of 8 until he died on December 6, 2016. I was 49 and even at that age there were still times when the phone rang that I would say to myself "maybe this is the day that he will reach out to me an say that he doesn't regret me, is proud of the life I've made for me and that he loves me". His death brought immediate closure because now I know why that phone call will never come - dead people can't dial the phone. For me that ended whatever anxiety I had over the relationship and now I rarely think about it unless someone asks or I come across a question like yours.

@Elusia8 Please don't worry about it - you didn't bring up hard feelings - haven't had any since he passed.


Sign me up , please !


Thank goodness no had that with parents


I deal with such with my mother, but I am 60, she is 80 and it has been going on for 45 years, my only problem is still having to deal with her at all.

@Elusia8 I would like to change the situation, but I am fine how I feel about it. My younger sister is severely intellectually disabled, and is in the same nursing home as my mother. To talk to her I have to go through my mother, and when I visit, mother controls everything. Last visit mother was waiting at reception for me, given it is a 3 day trip there and back for me, she would have been willing to wait no matter how long. She was lucky I got there about 1/2 hour after it opened. To make doubly sure, she had my sister in mothers room in her wheel chair with the door closed. She was not going to let me get in and out without her being in control. My youngest brother lives closer, he manages to duck in and out without my mother seeing him. I raised my youngest brother as kids, lost contact when I got kicked out of home at 16/17, but a year later we were back together again. We live in different states but chat a few times a week. So as you can see, I have no need to feel closer to my mother, her fave son is in her house and she provides everything for him, he is only 57, has never left home. Middle child etc. So, how do you handle the situation with your mother? Siblings? and if so are they treated the same?

@Elusia8 wow, I think someone cloned our lives. The brother my mother has given everything to, has not worked at all since he was 22 and before that only 2 jobs of less than 6 months. Heavy drug user both prescribed and illegal, all sorts of psych diagnoses. My father was an alcoholic, eventually it killed him. He was extremely violent and I was his whipping boy. I tried to make peace my whole life, he wouldn't have it, I would drive hours of a weekend to see him when he was dying and take mother shopping and such, one of the last things he ever said to me was that I was the worst son any father could ever have. When he died my mother refused to talk to me for quite a long time as he never let her talk to me when he was alive and she was respecting his wishes. So my youngest brother and I and our respective families are a families unit of our own. Our kids get along great and despite the distance still socialize together though they didn't see each other often growing up. We have salvaged what we could from a most dysfunctional family. I have blocked the druggie from contacting me and have made it know I will be reporting him if he ever contacts myself or family again. Abusive and disgusting calls, would clog up our answering machine.

@Elusia8 To be perfectly honest, my whole world is much healthier keeping them out of it. I knwo we have this instinctive feeling we should stick by family, but it can be toxic.


I am, but I won't discuss in public.


May not be exactly what your looking for, but a little over a decade ago my sister fell out with me. I asked family not to get involved and just allow us some time and space. My sister however decided to recruit all the family she could and repeatedly make an issue of it while doing everything she could to bully my (now) wife.
I had few expectations from my dad but he was actually supportive.
My brother sided with my sister, but he was a child at the time and several years later apologised. I understood why he did what he did even as he was doing it. I forgave him before he realised he wanted it.
My mum sided with my sister completely. This was the last thing I expected. The person I thought I could depend on turned against me when I needed her. She made it worse and by siding with one of us and drove me away. Because of her words and actions what could have been resolved no-longer can. I thought she would be the voice of reason, a safe space we could both go to. Turns out we didn't know each other as well as I thought we did.
For the next few years everything between me and the family got much worse. My sisters actions were appalling and mum seemed to endorse it all with her support.
Eventually things did get better. I came to terms with the new family dynamics. My brother and I are fine. I have more respect for my dad. I have no dealings with my sister or her family. Mum and I now see each other. She's my mum, I love her. But I no longer feel comfortable or safe with her.
When I think about it I still get sad.
My mum won't talk about it. We aren't a great family for communicating.

@Elusia8 I tried writing. Was a little therapeutic for me but otherwise ineffective. She just ignores what she doesn't like. I've literally been told to just act as though everything is ok so her & my sister can pretend everything is ok. She used other words but that was the content. She would rather I was constantly hurting than try to deal with things.
In all seriousness I have come to terms with our relationship and I am happier again. Things are better than they were and I do have some good interactions with my mum again, it's just this always now hangs over my dealings with her. My wife has been amazing and supportive, things would have been much worse otherwise.
I also severed contact with my sister. Changed phone numbers when she got hold of them. Refused to attend family event's (she was welcome, I was invited to keep up appearances & play pretend). Still see her around town though. I can tolerate her presence these days but it is now clearly on my terms.

@Elusia8 I understand a little how it feels to be dealing with a mother like that. My wife was raised by her grandparents as she was taken from her alcoholic mother who also was suffering mental instability.
When I met my wife she was still in contact with her mum, but over the next few month's she decided she couldn't deal with the abuse any more. I spoke to her mum more often than she did at this time. Eventually she severed all contact. Obviously there was more family drama as a consequence. As the years have past she has decided to reach out to her mum. It's all on her terms and it hasn't gone smoothly but she is persevering.

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