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Reversing e=mc2 i.e. Making mass with energy.

Lukian 8 May 16

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power is NOT energy over time, where did you get that from?

I can't see where anyone said it was. But actually, it is. (For a given amount of energy dissipated, the power is inversely proportional to the time.)

@Coffeo question everything

@magicwatch Doesn't mean accepting nothing.


Interesting yes, however the formula E=MC2 is not reversed , rather simple algebra, But to create mass will indeed require another form of energy allowing us to contain it. Energy is finite within the universe but does have moments in time

EMC2 Level 8 May 16, 2018

have you seen the video? The explain how it can be done.


Interesting, but I don't think they fully explained how to do it, but spent all the time talking about technologies that will bring us closer.

I concluded that they basically just need more powerful energetic lasers and shorter time pulses to get there. The rest is a vacuum.

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