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Do you smoke, are you still smoking, how long, how many times have you quit, how did you quit? For years I tried to quit, every time I smoked or talked about smoking I told everyone I knew or talked to how much I hated to smoke. I really did hate it, when I got a bad flu, didn't smoke for a couple of weeks then poof just stopped. I have never looked back or even had the real urge to smoke again. I started smoking with my ex. She would smoke when we went out for a drink about once a month or six weeks. After the divorce I went out more often and smoked of course. After a few years I was hooked.

Aquaeyes 6 May 16

Enjoy being online again!

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I quit a few times before I quit for good in 2006. The difference was that the last time I really knew that I would never do it again. The other times were just practice I guess.

I fully understand. Sometimes it just takes time.
"Give time time." I read once.

Practice makes perfect !


Gave up in 1985 and never looked back. Now I am a healthy and fit 74 year old.??


If I can do it, you can ?

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