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Did you know ? Before The 17th Century, Almost All Cultivated Carrots Were Purple
The modern day orange carrot wasn’t cultivated until Dutch growers in the late 16th century took mutant strains of the existing purple carrot and gradually developed them into the orange variety we have today. Before this, almost all carrots were purple with some mutated yellow and white carrots. These mutations were rarely cultivated and lacked the purple pigment anthocyanin.

VAL3941 8 May 17

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I knew this, but thank you for sharing, good post.


And a mix of purple and orange ones looks darned nice in a carrot salad

GwenC Level 7 May 17, 2018

To be truthful, i have never seen a purple carrot ?

@VAL3941 if you have a trader Joe's in your area they sell bags of mixed color carrots. Worth seeking out

I live in South Africa my dear, no Trader Joes here !


Let us not forget the Native American Indian who brought us the ear of Corn which is a total North American Product. It also comes in a variety of colors of which I fail to realize which is the more healthiest.

Interesting !


Oranges aren't Orange but have to be sprayed to turn color.

Nonsense, I have orange tree (mine is green ) and never had to spray to get an orange orange ? Get what I mean ?


That's very interesting. I never knew that! How strange.

Yes ! I never knew that either ?

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