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It's a cloudy, damp Saturday here at home. What are your plans for the day? Where do you hail from? What's the weather like where you are located? Do you have big or even little plans for the weekend?

JustJan 6 May 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Cloudy day here in PA, and it's movie night for me.


Cloudy, wet with occasional bouts of rain here in not so sunny Florida! supposed to be doing laundry, but, you see where I am!

BillF Level 7 May 19, 2018

Sunny and warm down on the English south coast. Took a bike ride along the river with our kid and her friend... Nice. ?


Saturday May 19 in the year of our lard 2018, 2:25 pm edt, usa, gmt-4

Lansing Michigan

Soggy here. Rain last night. And earlier this week. So no outside work. That's fine with me. Got way too much admin stuff to do. eg: Gotta prep and send invoices to clients.

But i have enjoyed a morning of posting at Quora. And did some transfer of notes to other docs for further processing: stories, jokes, comments,....

Maybe some wine.

And i hope to continue tomorrow with same.

and i do have some basement organizing to do.


Pool was suppose to be open today, aint happening so move things arround for the sake of moving things around the rain.


I live on an island located in what is known as the Salish Sea. It will be warm and sunny and I have gardening, and some local community work to do for the whole weekend.
I am from Texass but lived all over the world (Turkey & Germany) and in numerous cities in the US (Boston, Virginia - DC area, Maryland, Oklahoma, Sacramento area and Seattle).

@JustJan My dream date with my late partner was in Langley. I really like Whidbey.

@JustJan The memory and knowledge that a relationship can be wonderful gives me hope. I see a lot of people with bad experiences. I too had my first two relationships not work out and was becoming a bit jaded myself. I now believe with time, work, communication and a bit of luck relationships can be happy.

@JustJan I totally agree, everything is relative. I/we used to hear all the misery in the world and it made us feel appreciative of what we had. A lot of violence in the world is due simply to an excess of males (in China for example) feeling angry because they can't get a mate. I have had 5 (not all worked out but there were still many happy times). I should be satisfied. Humans are greedy and some of us want more of what we have/had, myself included.

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