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Our Illegitimate POTUS & the Iran nuclear deal:
I, for one, believe he withdrew because it was the
quickest way for him to finally get his first war
started. Next he will borrow a page from the Bush/Cheney Regime's play book & spend billions of our tax dollars bombing a mid east country back to the stone age. (No problem for he who pays no taxes.) Then, after awarding a no-bid contract for rebuilding that country to a company he owns, he will spend billions more tax dollars rebuilding that country.

VuDuChld 5 May 20

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Sadly I agree.

gearl Level 8 May 21, 2018

I don't believe he will be satisfied until he is a 'war president'! & I don't think he really cares with who!


Not sure it was his idea, but yes, he has surrounded himself with war mongers who fantasize about "regime change" in Iran. Having learned nothing from Iraq, Syria, or Libya.

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