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Going to see Michael Pollan tomorrow night. For those who don't know, he's the author of "The Botany of Desire" and "Ominvore's Dilemma." Both of these are really mind altering books. He's written a new book that focuses on psychedelics and their place in history and society. One of my daughters is going with me. I'm sure it will be interesting.

Enchanter 6 May 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I read a couple of his books: The Omnivore's Dilemma, and Food Rules. I think he is an interesting writer. He spoke here a few days ago, but I couldn't fit the talk into my schedule. I hope you enjoy!

Leigh Level 2 May 22, 2018

I would warn anyone considering Pollan to be credible to read the attached (or Google for others, there are plenty of articles on how this man is neither an objective journalist nor a scientist) to get a glimpse of the charade.



I'll add my endorsement for anyone who hasn't read these books: they're worth your time.

Also, Michael Pollan's sister is married to Michael J. Fox. That has nothing to do with anything, but for some reason I thought it was interesting.


I read “Omnivore’s Dilemma”. So far as I can determine Pollan has no credentials in either agriculture or nutrition, and I disagree with him in many, many ways.

He may not have the credentials you seek but he has done a great job of researching the topics he covers. I'm not sure where your disagreement with him in agriculture and nutrition are concerned as he presents facts that really cannot be argued. The solutions to modern agriculture he's presented are ingenious to say the least and as sound as can be. His views on eating more locally and organic as possible are supported by research. Being in the food industry for over 40 years and 26 of it as a food inspector, I can only say that the path we are on agriculturally is nothing short of insane and will end up killing us.


Added the first title to to "to read" list.

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