Thank you to a good friend of mine this morning. I was really down about all that is happening at this point with this divorce. She really did put it all in perspective. I will be fine. It all could be so much worse. Dingus says he'll lie about his infidelity. He may come to court, or not, he'll lie or not. It will get continued or I may get a divorce. I may have to stay married to this Douche Nozzle because South Carolina believes in marriage more than they believe in happiness. But I will be more than fine. I have so much going for me at this point. I can't see much because I'm so close to it all. But. It will all be fine. Maybe it will work out for me, and maybe the shitty people WILL win, because sometimes shitty people win. But damn, it will be fine. Just plod on with life, and see it all through.
You'll be ok. It's super super horrible but you will...we both will. Hugs from a fellow person going through this xxx