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Stay away from our healthcare system, which is in place to make a profit, not make you well

RootedUp 3 May 23

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So, our environment is filled with more toxic and teratogenic chemicals than ever before, yet our life expectancy has almost doubled within this past century. I agree our system has a lot of profit motives tied in there, but if it was pure snake oil, then people would stop going then, right?


I know right ... Everyone takes kickbacks


Go head and wave your crystals, then. Frees up more resources for the rest of us.

I will gladly get out of the line so that you can get more poisonous pharmaceuticals and vaccines to crowd up your metabolic pathways and destroy your liver and kidneys. I’ll just sit over here with my cannabis and eat my organic apple (and seeds) and enjoy the feeling of being alive, happy and healthy

@RootedUp Pharmaceuticals that keep me having my psychotic breaks? And boy, what do we do about the Measles outbreak in Oregon?


I do,as much as I possibly can anyway.


Truth told here.


So, which healthcare system do you recommend?

I don’t subscribe to any “system.” Plant based lifestyle, natural herbs for healing and maintaining good health, sunshine, nature, exercise, companionship. Chronic illnesses are environmental illnesses. They don’t just land on you like a bug. They are caused by an adjuvant or toxic overload

@RootedUp You have some unscientific conclusions. I wish things were as simple as you say. And yes most illnesses are bugs and many are due to gene malformations as well.


They don't want to cureyou,they want to keep you an "Customer"

Coldo Level 8 May 23, 2018

I find our present healthcare ( an oxymoron fer shure !) system a great incentive to stay healthy !

Could not agree more!!!


Exactly. The third leading cause of death in the United States is iatrogenisis (death caused by medical treatment). It could be said that Big Pharma is killing us.


  1. Natural heals, chemicals don’t
  2. Big Pharma owns our medical schools and clinical trials
  3. The FDA, CDC, NIH all accept kickbacks from Big Pharma and are corrupt
  4. We are sicker than ever and are on more pharmaceuticals than any other nation
  5. Our food, vaccines, medications, water, and personal care products are sinister and contributing to our sickness and reliance on the system
  6. Most people are already the walking dead, popping pills
  7. Cannabis can cure just about every illness—that’s why there is so much propaganda around it
  8. Doctors are not taught nutrition in medical school. Many of them don’t eat well or take care of themselves. Don’t seek their advice if your goal is to be well and chemical-free
  9. Food is medicine
  10. You’ve been warned

A bit extreme perhaps?

Citation needed, citation needed, citation fucking needed.

Furthermore, '[I] have been warned?'. That sounds like a threat. Whaddya gonna do, attack me with your vegan crystals and your homeopathic chakras? ?

Sorry. I don't agree with all of this.

There have been some faulty batches of vaccines in the past and there is potential for problems from some of them. But on the whole vaccines save lives. I'm glad I had the vaccines I've had.

@Ellatynemouth come see me when you get sick. I’ll be glad to help you with detoxing the adjuvants from your system and managing your chronic illnesses caused by vaccine toxicity


No thanks. They've already protected me against TB, typhoid and cholera when I lived abroad.

Right on target. Well said!

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