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I was scrolling about on this site today and read a lovely diatribe about healthcare. It was hysterical, I've heard less magical thinking from psych patients. I had planned to write a scathing response but thought better if it. I often talk out of my ass about things I know nothing about, and people give me a pass, so I'll return the favor. To insult the flaws in our system is fine with me. To espouse the holistic approach to health also, just fine. To look down on "doctors who don't even learn about nutrition" is also fine. Because that over worked, sleep deprived doctor, and I will be waiting when you show up with a ruptured appendix. You're welcome to wave your crystals about, or get your chakras in alignment, but without us-you'll die. So we will patch you up, and get you back on your high horse , so you can tell the world how the whole experience was so rough on you, and how you had to wait for things... and stuff, and we only had basic cable. That's all rant done, we now return to our regularly scheduled program.

Nurse-Quantros 7 May 23

Enjoy being online again!

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I can't find it, but I don't doubt it's there. There are some real head cases wandering about on this site, who don't seem to realise that crystals and chakras and organic this and homeopathic that are exactly as effective as praying--ie, not at all.

I'm grateful for medical personnel, and for all that you do.

Oh, wait, I found it. Jeez Louise that's a lot of woo.


thank you


I didnt see the post but the ideas of crystals, organics, and the like drive me crazy. I go to skeptic confrences and some what try to combat the ideas of psudeoscience. I do this mostly on Facebook but some thimes I am just so saddened by the posts of friends far and near that I have to take a break. I think doctors know quite a bit about nutrition. ----Get a blood test and see where you are deficient and take only those suplements. ---Thank you for all you do.

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