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I had a NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE 33 years ago.
For starter: I was raised science and continue to turn to science for answers.
I was about to die by suffocation. Camping got very cold in the middle of the night. Under a heavy homemade quilt, my husband had pulled the quilt over his face. Problem for me was that I'm 4'8" so the quilt had been pulled way beyond my head. It was a very cold night, but I became perfectly tempered. It was a perfect, pleasant feeling. I was smiling. I walked to the welcoming light. There in the light was a male with a soft colored one piece dress on. It had full length sleeves that flared out at his wrists. He had a modest length beard and his mouth and eyes were smiling. With his arms out reached from his sides, his eyes told me to come to him. As I was doing just that, I caught a mouth full of air. My throat hurt and then I took another big gasp of air. Saved by my husband uncovering my head. I was so disappointed to return. I was going to the most pleasant place that I anticipated I would not be returning from. Curse you oxygen.

Plant1010J 6 May 24

Enjoy being online again!

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It's odd isn't it how people who have NDE always are greeted by the deity or demiurge they are expecting to see.
Christians get Jesus, Peter or Michael
Buddhists get the Buddha
Islamites get Mohammed
I'm hoping my hallucination will be of a naked troop of 1970s gogo dancers with a fuckton of baileys flavour ice cream, for five minutes fun before I peg out.

if it were up to me and within my control, I would be greeted by my school boy friend. I have no deity and have zero expectation of an after life. I'm voting for animals to pick my bones after my death; whether it be tomorrow or no time soon. For the person who must be a brilliant doctor, the resuscitation by a medic must not have been the only back. And for the person who is asking if it is true of only a dream......I'm just sharing my experience, because I don't believe in an after life nor ..just opening forum.


So your husband woke you up from a dream and you didn't even need resuscitation and this qualifies as an NDE?


Thanks for sharing your story.

skado Level 9 May 24, 2018

Is This true or were you only dreaming ???

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