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Climax to the story:

So. There's this divorce happening with this narcissist. And if you knew me, or what happened to me, you'd understand why currently I seem like a vulgar, possessed whirlygig with Tourettes on Ritalin.

Tomorrow is the big day. The big day. I have no idea what's coming up. I'm prepping like its some sort of Dr. Strangelove storyplay and thinking, "well yah. shitty people win."

I had gotten to the point where, I was rationalizing a win for me. Yes. The purpose of my expedited divorce was A) to get a lying, cheating, narcissistic parasite off my insurance and B) to get a lying, cheating, narcissistic parasite out of my life.

So, freaking the fuck out, I try not to take out most of the population of Columbia with a semi-automatic and console myself to the thought, "fuck, well, the shitty people sometimes win." The secondary tragedy was "HOLY FUCK, I got to buy a skirt or something."

I go to the Dress Barn. And for what they have done for me, I will be a spokesman till I die. We are rooting through what I should wear and I am slowly freaking the fuck out some more. Hey, don't judge, its my comfort zone.

First Freak out: they ask me sizes, I don't know... after trying on almost everything, it turns out, I went down 6 (I KNOW, RIGHT?!) dress sizes from October. Sucky thing is , I didn't keep up the running so I'm wearing down like the Sphinx. Bulgey, thin, bulgey, thin....

Second Freak out: A couple of the Dress Barn ladies have HAD a divorce done in Lexington County, and I explained my situation. And the big consensus is " FUCK you got this? are you kidding? this is the SOUTH". I have never been more grateful for bigoted, traditional southern christian values in my fucking life. My only thought is that A) Jesus, I really don't want to send anybody to jail and B) Was he REALLY this dumb?

I don't really know if all of this is bullshit. But, it has lifted the weight of the world off my shoulders. I kind of regret not getting a local attorney who knows the politics of the local court system, but apparently a defaulted adulterer.... well. Let's just say, I might have a chance to get through this.

And well. For this last crazy week, you all have been community and belonging for me. This was a good place to anchor.

let's see what happens next....

onlyduh 7 May 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Good luck. Divorce is never easy - I still get chills down my spine passing by my local courthouse. But the day will start , it will end , and life will get better. Sometimes all to slowly, and with up and downs and bounces, but you have moved the arc of your life from getting worse to getting better.

Ohub Level 7 May 24, 2018

Remember to breath. You will survive and then you will thrive.


Things will work out. Stay positive and try not to stress about things...I've found stress does NOTHING to fix anything, so why waste time/energy/health on doing it.

@onlyduh you can choose not to stress. It's all decisions that we make,

@onlyduh disagree.

@onlyduh but it's easier to say it's just unavoidable.


I just went through this same thing with the same type of husband. You have my sympathy. It's a nightmare. I hope you get satisfaction.

Deb57 Level 8 May 24, 2018

Wait, wait! Did you find a nice dress? <3


You SO will get through this - and you'll likely feel awesome afterwards !


Good luck!


Give 'em hell. Don't give up anything. You got this!

Come to beer city USA and I'll buy to celebrate.

Can't wait to hear how it goes.


I'm glad you landed here. You're among friends.

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