Loneliness kills
Only if you need to belong to a herd. Religions call them flocks -- same difference. I am a gregarious person -- like to meet and make friends. I have been alone since 1998 and truth be told since 1993. Given music, movies, books, and my PC, I'd be happy trying 1 year alone.
I didn't date for 16 years after separation from the Air Force due to low income,sure I missed having a Woman in my life,but rejections hurt,at company picnics I'd be asked"Where's your wife or girlfriend"? Sadly I'd say "I don't have one". So work was about the only interaction with people I had,I don't drink,do drugs or smoke,and I'm horrible on the dance floor.
It does. It's sad. I try not to think about all the people I know who are alone.