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Well what do you know? single and loving it, yet it gets lonesome some days! maybe I'm to crazy for the average girl! lol

Mr-Bryan1720 2 May 25

Enjoy being online again!

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What ? You want to get laid ?

no I want a wild and free woman... one that'll come home to me yet still likes to have fun...


Or maybe...... just maybe....... it's WOMEN you should be considering!

yes woman... i just say girls! lol women like to feel young and have fun!

@Mr-Bryan1720 Women like to be respected as adults....... and it can be quite insulting to some women to be called a 'girl'. Do you like to be called 'boy'? Probably not, I would guess!


Theres nothing wrong with missing companionship... even missing a lady to be cozy with.

yeah it sucks being alone! I've always walked alone so I'm used to it

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