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Can we trust untestable theories?

Coffeo 8 May 26

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Okay, so let's say we have some theory, but it's basis is very abstract, so it's not testable, or it's very difficult to test because of resources.

Shouldn't that just nudge scientists to test it mathematically? It's not like we don't have math to do this. I know we have math to do this. Math can be used to engineer any abstract concept, with analytical feasibility.

I don't think any amount of mathematical testing would ever conclusively demonstrate that a theory was a correct description of the world/universe. Not to the satisfaction of most physicists and cosmologists, anyway.


That just proves that Mathematicians have superior intellect to Scientists.


Not really. Mathematical method is amazingly rigorous. Mathematics is about modelling, analysis, expression, rigorous math norms (think Euclid's Elements), mechanics, finding applications, axiomatics, formulaics, proof, disproof, evaluation, logic, problem solving, tactics, strategy, language, inventiveness, knowing the current compendium of math knowledge, etc. It is a knowledge structure that has only been mastered by one person-Hilbert. That's it. Science is an easier knowledge structure to internalize in the head.

However, that's probably just how I think, because I am a Math major, and I have this weird thing where I think that Math is a deity.

@DZhukovin Mathematics is certainly extremely rigorous, and it does a surprisingly good job of describing the world. But we only know this because of observations.


If you can’t test the theory, you can no proof of the validity of said theory.

Absolutely true. But the theory might still be useful.


Beautiful, thanks.

skado Level 9 May 26, 2018
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