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The only reason we culturally allow the widespread mutilation of male genitals is because of religion.


QuintKnickers 5 May 26

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Apart from religious reasons, male circumcision is a traditional practice that's been upheld by more conservative societies as a stamp of class. The UK Royals are among those who practised the custom for these purposes - that's until Princess Diana refused to continue the tradition, believing the pros of the procedure were outweighed by the cons.The surgery removes the five areas of the penis that are most responsive to light touch, and the penis, like the vagina, is a self-cleaning organ.

Just think about this : the percentage of males circumcised : 1% in Japan, to 2% in Spain and Sweden,15% in UK, to 58% in the United States, to more than 80% in Muslim-majority countries. Does that not tell you anything? Do you really think men are walking around in Japan and Spain "needing" circumcision? It is entirely cultural, and usually totally unnecessary.

That's pretty much my point there are no good reasons for it. The royal family did it for aesthetic reasons which seems to be the main reason for non secular people.

We seem to agree entirely and it's totally unnecessary and carries with it. Actual risks

@QuintKnickers Yes we agree. My comments were to try and help the mutilators realise the procedure is unnecessary.


It is indeed a religious act. What actually happens is that the foreskin contains sensitivity that is forever lost. The USA is the only developed country where it remains a dominant practice today.
It is proven to not decrease infection and is done for cosmetic reasons only. Now if mother nature over the hundreds of thousands years she has been producing us, not alter the foreskin if it is indeed useless. Sort of like the appendix perhaps. The sexual experience is different with the foreskin verses without.

EMC2 Level 8 May 27, 2018

It's still the dominant practice in Canada

I'm pretty sure the government even still pays for it

This means god made a mistake in his 'intelligent design'!


Total guess; but I would think that in more primitive times, in a desert where water is not used for bathing; that infection would be common if not for the cleanliness concept. Not really sure how that comes into play with male genitals, but there may be a connection.

Still lots of deserts in America where people don't wash I suppose.

@GoldenDoll That is in more modern times. People that live in deserts have water.

@xyz123 I have no idea what you're talking about; but it seems neither have you, so that's ok then.


you answered your own question. religion is all powerful to stupid humans

But that doesn't explain why people who do know how to reason remain silent and come up with the common misconceptions and excuses like I am seeing given here

They can only not mutilate thier own kids ?

@VAL3941 huh? Really???
Are you trying to say something along the lines of. Only someone with kids can influence cultural norms and laws, that involve kids?

Your logic would lead to the type of reasoning that the only people that should have opinion on women's rights are women.

The only people that should decide or help decide how society is run. Are people that have enough money to influence those decisions.

By your logic, the average person not having a substantial stake in the economy, at least, not when compared with multi billionaires.

Should shut up and do, as they are told when it comes to taxation, the environment exploitation of resources.

Why is it, even here everyone tries to justify their indifference to this?

Sorry, that came across all wrong ! meant only allowed to mutilate thier own kids. I know it is wrong but at this point our hands are tied ?

@VAL3941 fucking tradition and religious beliefs just open many doors that never should be opened.

@VAL3941 I'm hoping we can start being more outspoken and angry about the issues that religion is forcing upon us such as this.

We need to start collectively organizing and becoming angry.

I think mutilation of innocent children is a prime target to start with.

Maybe then we can even start tackling some of the bigger ones such as the exemption of taxes for churches.

Church taxation is already being done here in SA. I am not circumsized. So it is not up to me to start the mutilation movement. But i will fight against the practise


If you have ever had, because of medical necessity, to be circumcised as an adult, you will be devoutly wishing it had been done when you were an infant! They put Stitches in while you are flaccid.........

I imagine much could be said for anyone that has a needed medical procedure that could have been done when they were kids.

Shall we once again start harvesting tonsils?

Appendicitis can happen, perhaps we should start harvesting those during the first month of life?

You don't really seem to have a point more of a personal experience that you're relying on to mutilate an entire gender seems rather unfair.

I have at 15 and it was not funny at all though I don't agree with doing it because of a religion

@LeighShelton My dad had his at age 19. He literally begged me to have my son’s done at birth. He would heartily sympathize with you!

@LeighShelton, a personal experience is not justification for a cultural acceptance of what is mutilation.

I'm assuming in your case it was medically necessary and not just for aesthetic reasons.

But again, I have to point out, I guess, what should be obvious.

Having a relatively unobtrusive operation to remove your appendix is much the same sort of thing you seem to be advocating

On the basis that you had appendicitis once and it really hurt.

@CarolinaGirl60 i have had 2 boyfriends who had to be circumsized as adults, one before i met him, one while i got to be involved. It is more commonly needed than you may think!
Not only are several stitches needed, but for weeks they had to carry ice-cold spray that needed to be used immediately at the first sign of an erection or terrible damage would have resulted. And scar tissue, permanently. No doubt "primitive" people's decided to bypass all that. I am pretty sure if appendix were readily available, removing them asap would save a Bunch of suffering, even death.......

@QuintKnickers I said if you read properly "I don't agree with doing it for religion" any more than a woman having to be brutalised down there either.

@LeighShelton prehap I am misunderstanding.

You're saying you don't agree with it for religious reasons.

But unless I'm mistaken you do seem to be advocating it as a preventive measure for a possible a situation in the future.

If that's not what you're saying, then I am misunderstanding if that is what you're saying then, I think that's just as poor of an excuse

@AnneWimsey No it's not. Not in any other country than the US. Unless it's a muslim country of course - any parallels?

@QuintKnickers I had to have it done as a necessity but I guess if you choose yourself to have it and pay to have it done its ok, not that I would do that either. I got to say its definitely cleaner.

@LeighShelton if you think a circumcised penis is cleaner than an uncircumcised one, then you have been hanging around some disgusting men, there should be no difference in the cleanliness of either

@QuintKnickers you have a real problem with foreskins mate and honestly you're getting fucking boring. play another record or I will change it.

@LeighShelton no I have a real problem with discrimination against men

And more Specifically, the mutilation of innocent children for religious and cultural reasons

And im not your mate.

And maybe the reason why its boring is because you are a fucking idiot that doesn't get the point.

If you think this is about forskin you're a complete moron.

@QuintKnickers and if you could think and read you might not be a fucking moron. fucking twat


To the religious, I guess that’s their reason.
I circumcised my son a day after birth because my father begged me to, citing his experience at having it done at age 19. My son’s father was also circumcised, so that was a factor.
That’s my experience as a mother.
When I was an RN in OB, I don’t recall religion ever being given as a reason. Most wanted the baby to match the father.

So because there's a history of genital mutilation within the culture and its aesthetically pleasing in some peoples opinion this form of discrimination and mutilation should be continued into the future is your argument?

@QuintKnickers I’m not arguing anything. Those are the reasons I chose it for my son. He has no problem with it, either.
If you were circumcised as a baby and wish it hadn’t happened, I’m sorry.

@CarolinaGirl60 I was asking for reasons why this mutilation is passively acceptable. Specifically among a non religious community. I assumed you were providing one, or why the comment?

At the very least, we've establish you passively accept this mutilation of young boys.

I accept the fact I was circumcised as a child, I questioned the reasons why this practice continues.

I'm sorry, I thought I had made that clear with the actual question.

@CarolinaGirl60 you certain you have the authority to speak for your son that he has no issue with it?

Have you seriously discussed the matter with him?

Is he aware that the sensitivity of his genitalia is not what it should have been because of the procedure and therefore his enjoyment of sexual activities is not what it should have been.

Or are you just assuming that he's fine with this? This is a discussion you've had, is it?

@QuintKnickers You asked for reasons ; I gave you the ones from my personal experience as a mother and as a nurse. I neither approve or disapprove of the practice. I stated my reasons, which are same as many others.
I can’t argue for or against this topic, so I added my experience.

@CarolinaGirl60 you gave no reason as a nurse and a second hand personal experience, your father's. That's a excuse for mutilating your son, not a reason.

Your indifference is part of the problem worse, not only indifference.

But a refusal to even see the hypocrisy of your position.

Claiming you gave anything even remotely close to a reason is ludicrous

I, for one, am happy I was cut.

@Secretguy How on earth do you know?

@QuintKnickers why don't you ask a jew?

@QuintKnickers, @Secretguy im really happy as the end of my nob doesnt blow up like a balloon.


That is incorrect. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends male infant circumcision as a health measure, and in my opinion they are correct. []

Your opinion... ? APA recommends, maybe once upon a time... religious decision...?

Recently an unfounded health claim, I think the 2018 jury’s still out on this.

This is completely untrue. There is no medical reason for it whatsoever.

Your referring to an outdated idea about cleanliness.

As well, sometimes, people mention the fact that it is possible for the foreskin, if not properly cared for during infant hood or through a genetic defect to grow closed, but that is so rare that it does not justify wholesale mutilation.

As to the cleanliness argument, anyone with even half a brain when comparing the genitalia of individuals would have to concede that if that's the case, then we should be cutting off the labia, majora and minora of women.

"Sfter a comprehensive review of the scientific evidence, the American Academy of Pediatrics found the health benefits of newborn male circumcision outweigh the risks, but the benefits are not great enough to recommend universal newborn circumcision. "

Please note, no actual benefits are mentioned.

And there even brave enough to go so far as to not universally recommended, which is just another way of saying it's not recommended.

The only reason why they are not more forthright about it is because of the religious climate we live in.

Give me one benefit that justifies this mutilation.

The link you provided provides no such information.

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