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A newsworthy event occurred in Ireland last week. Largely ignored by US media. Over 64% voted in a national referendum to allow abortion. Women had been going to UK and Netherlands. What a surprise considering Ireland is considered to be 80%+ Catholic. Comments anyone?

Tommy19 7 May 27

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It wasn't ignored by US news if one listens to NPR, or has Facebook. I'm glad that Ireland has finally come it it's sense, and women no longer have to go to England for a safe, legal abortion.


That type of thing happens when people are fed up with having their children abused by the church


The Catholic Church kept quiet about it too. I think they have enough scandals right now.


64% of the population of Ireland is women, so no surprises ?

The 2010 census shows 50.8% women. And percentage of men has grown slightly. This is in Ireland (Eire). Maybe your figure includes N. Ireland which is part of UK.

Can't remember but will take your word for it !


It's great news. It's good to see folks going to the polls.

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