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Born and raised religious I resisted church attendance at 5 becoming a champion tree climber - sometimes watched the family station wagon drive away to church - my mother, father and 3 sisters aboard - explored the empty fields and wood lots with old Toby got a wuppin when they returned - all worth it, a little pain and a fake cry better than rotting in church - curious I believed God would catch up to me someday and torture me for eternity but at 9 years of age I realized the God myth was as phony as Santa Claus and scrapped the whole effort in every way possible - have stood toe to toe with religious fanatics and sent them packing every time since - cowardly lying phony baloney whacks they are. That is me a raging atheist that promotes healthy living, natural sacred medicines, outdoor life - and taking care of ones family and beloved animal children. When religion no longer dominates the mentality of societies these cultures will at last become sane and civilized. Gard has spoken - err written - there it is for ya.

BrianRGard 2 Dec 19

Enjoy being online again!

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