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I'm working on a personal project that has me researching "The Ride of a Lifetime. The Making of Thelma and Louise". It's a fun read.

CaroleKay 8 May 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Yeah. They tore up that beautiful Thunderbird


This is on my all-time top 5 movie list, and it was probably the most influential one on my path to feminism and learning how to speak up and be heard. I grew up in a household like Thelma's, but I crafted a life more like Louise's. What is your project? Do you need help?

I can't post it because it is for a contest. It's silly actually, but thank you so much for sharing how it influenced you, and you are so awesome! we should be friends. ♥

@CaroleKay We should! And I want to hear all about your project after the contest is over. Good luck!!


Awesome flick!

One of my favorite movies ever!

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