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I have seen a number of posts lately which are anti-Islamic. I don't like the term 'Islamophobe' but if the shoe fits.
Firstly if you lump 1.8 billion people together and consider them all alike and view them in an entirely negative way, this isn't is racist. Within the 50 countries with majority Muslim populations, you find a huge range of different beliefs, cultures and experiences. Most are reasonably secular and just want to get on with their lives. Some are more orthodox in their belief and some hold extremely fundamentalist views. People who make up D'aesh are not Islamic by any usual method of judging these things. They are a political, terrorist group...think IRA in Northern Ireland's past. Strangely despite their 30 years of violence, no one decried them as Christian radicals.
Islam is a faith based broadly on one man's views of the world. He says many times that he did not wish to change 'the book' and for Muslims to respect other 'people of the book' but to move the ideas of the bible on. It has violent content but so does the OT. They lived in more brutal violent times.
I believe that as people with no faith it is encumbent on us to accept all people and continue to bring them into the majority western life. When people are accepted, they feel free to explore and it is by learning and exploring that people questiom what they have learned.

Amisja 8 May 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I was lucky enough to grow up amongst people of many faiths - and befriend the ones I liked. Most people are pleasant and accommodating. It is only the extremists, such as Daesh (or as the Americans call them IS) the Taliban, and Evangelists who are racist/phobic. Then there are the uneducated peasant masses in countries like Pakistan, that politicians whip up into a religious frenzy for their own ends.
The vast majority are worth befriending - they appreciate it hugely. They know I'm an Atheist, yet invite me to visit their mosques and temples to enjoy the architecture and culture, introducing me as a "good" man.
So yes, I agree.


Well if that was possible, it would have happened by now.

If what was possible?


Yeah, but like with all religions, they all nuts. 😉


There has always been extremests in every religion since it's concept.Racism has no place in the twenty first century.

Coldo Level 8 May 28, 2018

Right on Col!

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