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A funny thing has happened in my life.
I bought my house about 10 months ago. Its an older place and needed lots of TLC and yard work. I of coursed started on the yard work first. As I was cleaning up around the yard I happened to notice my closest neighbors had a clergy sticker on their car. I thought oh great.
Now I don't hide non belief from anyone. A few weeks go buy and I happen to notice that she is putting clothes and shoes in her trash can. I help run a homeless give away so I can't let this pass. I introduced myself and ask for the items. She gives them willingly.
A few weeks later she knocks on my door with a few more items to donate. So now I tell her I am a nonbeliever and the group I help run is an atheist group.
She doesn't blink an eye. Fast forward and we have enjoyed many meals, front porch rocking and deep conversations. She hasn't stop believing in her god nor have I started believing. But we have forged a true friendship.
We respact eachother and we don't judge the other. I have never met a Christian like her.
I am wondering if anyone else has had this kind of friendship.

SCbeelady 6 May 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I live in a conservative rural area where i havent met any atheists. ive lived here for many years. i do have several friends who are christian but don't practice it. i avoid most everyone that i consider bible thumpers or id be nucking futts.

i value peeps that can show some damn diversity. i do wish i lived in a more populated area so i could go to the library or store and feel comfortable hobnobbing with folks. im pretty outgoing so it sucks to have to put a lid on it....discussing any religion makes my eyes roll back in my head. im thinking, "lets just stfu about that aspect of life and help each other have a decent experience on earth with the time we have left."

i try to have a world of patience about everything...thats one trait i like about myself...but when it comes to GODS....i get irritable....its GAWDAMN aggravating to have to even think about whether ive just said something insensitive....when religious people are insensitive to me and have been intolerant since the day i done.

what was the question?


I guess Chritians aint so Blue Rinse only anymore...well the ones Ive bumped into aint...Have a happy forever


Yup. I have a friend who was going to be a nun. Never took her final vows, but has remained very religious. Even before that, when she first told me she wanted to become one, I told her it didn't surprise me, and we both had a good laugh. We're very comfortable with each other, despite our belief differences.


The best people I know are Christian

gater Level 7 May 28, 2018

Really? That surprises me because the worst people I know by far are Christans

@SCbeelady That surprises me.

@gater lol well its a day of surprises


Most of the Christians I have known have been like that; just human beings doing the best they know how.

skado Level 9 May 28, 2018

I used to have a friend from the military who is VERY Catholic and VERY Republican and I am VERY not but he never tried to recruit me but was always willing to answer questions and educate me and we got along great. Then he voted for orange45 and told me he did it because his religion told him that life began at conception and so he wanted to make abortions illegal based on his religious dogma which is where I had to draw the line. I was fine with his fairy tales as long as he kept them to himself but the minute he tried to force them on me, he violated his oath to defend the Constitution and his 'promise' to his 'god' and to me. And now we are done and I will miss him greatly.

Wow. I'm sorry you lost your friend but I kinda understand


Absolutely. Some of the most important people in my life are Mormons that I grew up with. When I walked away from the church, they accepted my choice and still remain my 'family'.


You're very lucky.

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