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Tough times never last, but tough people do.

Wildgreens 8 May 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes We do sis!


Thats what i heard...

Its written right here!


Clearly false - everyone has something that kills them and sometimes that happens very early in life

@Kassie. No, they are dead. ?


Over time , even tough people slowly begin to fade .

Not true...I am pushing 70 and I am one tough broad!!

@DeepSigh I accomplished a lot when I was younger , but my body is becoming more fragile , the longer I'm here . While my mind says , "Yeah , we can do this ," my body often counters with ," Oh, you think so , do you "

@Xena So glad to read this . I'm pushing 74 and I'm no where as strong as I was when I was your age .

@Cast1es physically? I'm definitely not as strong physically but mentally, emotionally I am much wiser and that to me is strength

@Xena Some thirty years before she died , Mom began calling me by my cousins' names .Two years ago , I went to visit , staying with them in their apartment for 10 days . Each time her husband spoke with her about me , he prefaced his comment with ,"Your daughter ," and my name . She still had no clue who I was , and did not call me by any name at all , the entire time I was there . She died May 29, 2017 . I noticed I began having difficulty with words before I retired . I do take a medication for it , but there will come a time when it is likely I will follow suite .


True dat!

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