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YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE THIS. The cops came back to recheck the VIN number because the people who got their car stolen said that they had apple stickers on their car, TOO. Cops check out my car and said they were sorry and they weren't coming back. THIS TIME I GOT PICTURES....

onlyduh 7 May 28

Enjoy being online again!

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You are fortunate you weren't transporting your possessions, had long hair and a beard, and happened to have a very small necklace hanging from your mirror.

Hah! Touche.


Maybe they really like you!

@onlyduh I think you've got it already.


Avoid Apple - stick to Android.

@Petter I agree, Android is the way to go.


we believed you.


Sheesh. Are these the Keystone Kops you're dealing with here? LOL!

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