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Another thing that always bothered me is the belief that the Bible that they purchase and reference is the exact "Word of God". What people fail to consider is that Bible is the "King James Version" emphasis in "Version". Why is this important? Well, each time an officially approved edition is commisioned, it becomes a new Version. Editors often edit the Bible to bring it up to modern standards so that the "Flock" can find it easier to relate to. Edits may include substituting words that are Archaic for more modern ones. It also includes highlighting in red, those passages that the editor feels are more meaningful for his readers. Doing this tends to take the meaning out of context and leads to misinterpretations, as people tend to focus just on the highlighted portion and not read further to understand proper context. Can make a huge difference in the intended message. This process has continued throughout the history of the Bible. From the Convention of Nicea covened by Constatine which chose the original books to be include in the original Bible, to the Convention of Rome which invented and added the New Testament,to the Guttenberg Bible, and finally to the present Bible looks nothing like the original.

t1nick 8 May 28

Enjoy being online again!

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This has come up before on this site. To me the version is irrelevant. The words were written by people, who were stupendously ignorant of how the world works. Most authors were patriarchal, self serving egomaniacs. Men who believed in a god. That alone says it all. As I said before, if you take Moses. The man was a mass murderer and mass rapist, When his tribe conquered another, he took virgins for his concubines, so much for his ten commandments, speaking to a burning bush and the like. He was deluded, a liar, drunk, on mushrooms or suffering low blood sugar. The words of the bible have no objective truth. All written by ignorant sheepherders.


Buy one myth and you buy the whole package.


I point that out regularly.

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