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Over the years I have become more and more Anti-theist. Being from Texas, I have been attacked for being an Atheist too many times to remain passive in any way

CyborgZeus 3 May 29

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I feel you on the Texas thing. I moved to Michigan from Texas and it's amazing the amount of people here who are athiest, and not as many churches here either. It's great.


I used to live in Arlington, TX. I have family out in east Texas, and I have traveled all over the state. I have had guns pulled on me, I have been jumped, had people try to stab me, been fired, denied jobs, and had the cops blame me for people attacking me, all because I am an atheist. I did not bring up my atheist stance, but rather got accused as if it was a bad thing, then told to leave. It is what it is. I now live across the sound from Seattle. Granted, I got treated so badly by the VA in Texas that I am going to have to live my life with disabilities that should have been taken care of before the damage became permanent. But at least I am out of there.


I have been an anti theist for years and have de-converted a few theists. I assert if we value truth, we must stand for truth over faith based superstition.

How did you convert them? Please share.

@Emerald The first success story was a Catholic man in his mid 20's. He initially sat in the sidelines as I debated in the halls, and men's health club (fancy locker room) (YMCA) a hardcore "kill the gays" Catholic. For several months he listened to about a dozen hours of my debates on topics that ranged from science to logic to how faith (belief without evidence) is a dishonest claim to finding "Truth". Eventually he started asking me questions about religion when I was not debating the ass-hat that asserted "God hates fags so we need to put them all on an island and starve them to death". (I am not gay but I know and respect several people who are gay) . . . to continue - - After being exposed to a litany of horrors I highlighted from the bible, (earlier debates with ass-hat) he noted he agreed with all my arguments but was still convinced that priests were god's messengers and they (priests) could not exist if there was not a god. I then introduced him to Edward Tarte. (once a Catholic priest for 5 years who figured out it religion was BS. Edward is now an open atheist on Youtube and Facebook) After he watching Edward’s videos about Catholicism, It took his only a few more days before he finally made the transition to reality. Before being released, he would suffer from horrible nightmares of burning in hell. A few months later those fears went away and the quality of his life improved. He also noted after loosing faith (belief without evidence) he was free to accept people his church had taught him to fear.
I used a similar storyline without Edward to enlighten another guy in his early 20's. Sadly, a year and a half later he had some issues with life and turned back to faith to help him deal with his losses.
The most moving debate I had with a preacher was when I had one as a captive audience for about two hours while we were waiting for a Helicopter christening. Long story but after he again asked me why I didn't call him father (he was a man of the cloth and openly asserted he was doing god’s work) I started by introducing how important it was that we (persons and society) need to use facts to make the best informed choices. After many (about a half hour) of examples (climate change etc. including the dire consequences of making uninformed decisions) he agreed that we need facts to make the correct choices. I then revealed how as a peddler of faith (belief without evidence asserted as fact often in direct conflict with demonstrable fact) he was promoting an unhealthy mind state and was not doing mankind a service but was actually doing much harm as people who valued faith over facts do not make the best choices. Such decisions are more likely lead to the degradation of not only themselves, easily deceived as they have been brainwashed to accept unsupported stories as facts, but society as masses of people making decisions without evidence may greatly influence our civilization and do irreparable harm to mankind.
I also brought up many “moral atrocities including Zephyra in his bible and comparisons of his god and all the other gods that were asserted with equal (no) demonstrable evidence and a few examples of how some of his teachings were in contradiction to realty. He, actually having read the bible, agreed with my observations. I then reminded him that his position as a peddler of faith (absent of demonstrable (truth) value, was not beneficial but actually destructive for civilization.
By the time the Helicopter arrived, the priest was nearly in tears as he admitted I was right and asked me, “. . . what else can I do. . . “ I told him about The clergy Project []
A month later he provided prayer at a fund raiser. After that, I never saw him again. . . That was several years ago.

If you are looking for a transition story that is truly moving and has been credited for DE-converting theists, Check out this link.


I’m well on my way to being Anti-theist but I generally don’t do anything unless the God Squad starts with me first, then I have a nasty tendency to make my position known without any pretense to subtlety


I wonder if ANTI-theist is the best term since the theist position is god doesn’t exist in the first place!

Now god as an IDEA is something to be “ANTI” about, since god DOES exist as a figment of human imagination ❗️?

Ungod Level 6 May 29, 2018

Think you missed the "a" in your "theist" as the theist position is god does exist in the first place. Also, my atheist position is not that a god does not exist but that there is not evidence to support a god exists assertion.

I'll grant you gods most likely do not exist but theists do exist, antitheist is not antigod. I define my anti-theist position as one that defends reason over superstition with debates with theists.

Ok thanx, “the ATHEIST position is god doesn’t exist in the first place”...

But you may be making too much of the “ism” and “ist”.

A theist or atheist is ONE WHO believes or not, but it is also the CONCEPT of god that is accepted or not.

An anti-theist is opposed to this concept, not (necessarily) the people (ists) who hold this concept.

Atheists defend reason over superstition as well, being anti-theist is not a prerequisite.
Some atheists are still quite unreasonable and superstitious, they just don’t believe in a god!

But being anti-theist means being against the idea of a divine leader itself - but it’s ascribed to people who don’t even believe there’s a god to begin with!

SATAN is anti-theist, but that’s with him knowing god is real, he is just ANTI to this real god, and the “ists” that support his non-existent ass!...


Kudos for speaking up. I have found it takes time for people to even understand how life can exist without supernatural explanations, but eventually some people get it.


In Wimberley Tx it is not bad. It is a balanced mix of liberal and conservative folks. I have friends here that are believers, and nonbelievers. People here tend to stay away from political and religious conversations unless it is with people of the same ideology.


You've been provoked into your stance.

That makes sense.


I live in Texas, too. I used to be pretty militant. I still lean anti-theist, but as long as people don't mess with me about it, I generally live and let live.
Basically, it wasn't helping my mental state. I suffer from severe depression and getting into conversations with hardcore theists just leaves me angry and anxious.


I to live in Texas, and so far haven't been attacked for my beliefs, just ignored. Sometimes you just have to let the ignorance of some people roll off your back. I've found it's usually not worth my time or energy to try and discuss such views as religion or politics down here in Texas. There are simply to many ignorant and truly uneducated people who live in this state to bother with them.


Same here. Live and let live doesn't cut it anymore.
I've gone full anti-theist.

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