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Church Burnings: Moral or Immoral?

TheGreatShadow 9 May 29

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Immoral, all waste and needless destruction. Vandalism.


I think the question is too vague. What did that building ever do to you? Even if the church building burnt down to the ground then the people in the church will just go some where else until it is rebuilt. If you really want to "Burn down a church" then expose them for who they really are. If they are doing bad things then make it public, that would do more damage than setting a building on fire...


Wanton destruction is never desirable.


Immoral. People have a right to believe what they think is best for them to believe. A church is a place for freedom of religion and free expression. Why burn down a building when it is the idea that is objected to? Ideas are changed with better ideas.

Thanks for the reply!


Church burnings were rampant in Norway in the early 90's. Lots of people burned them because they either hated Christianity, or wanted to take back their Viking heritage. When you are born in Norway, you are automatically in the State Lutheran Church (State as in body of government). Does "eye for an eye" pertain here? Is it any worse than the Dark Age or the Inquisition? I'm really curious as to what people have to say about this.

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