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I'm almost 74 and look young for this age. I feel weird even thinking of dating a 55 year old man. My own son is about that age. So I look for men my true age. There are never very many available. But there are plenty of men in their 60's and mid 50's who look 74. I have heard men dishonestly put their age at 10 to 15 years younger. Do you think that is true? I would just like to shout out: "Please include your true age in your Profile."

sweetcharlotte 8 May 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Being that I'm not here for the dating part, I didn't mention my age in my bio, but if I did I would be honest about it. Nothing wrong with dating men who are younger than yourself. Live your life the way you want to.


Ha ha ha .... 54 here and sure enough, I look older. ?????????? (By the way, you look great !!!.. what is your secret?)


My former lover is 11 years older than me (celebrated her 76th birthday with an afternoon in bed) lovely, well built and an amazing squirter. She got embarrassed after I kidded her about calling me her "boy toy". Old farts like memay not have the stamina and one and done seems to be the order of the day, but we know enough to wear our ladies outwith multiple orgasms before doing ourselves in because weknow when we're done, we're done and its snuggle time.


Wow your face radiates happiness. You must be in a very good place mentally. Go get em Marcie !!


Holy smokes you do look fabulous! I'm 44 and generally gravitate towards older men. Genetics is interesting because there are men about my age who look closer to mid-late 50s and then some men in their late 50s to early 60s who look more my age!

I can understand your aversion to dating someone close to your son's age....I have a difficult time if a guy even 5 years younger than me reaches out much less a whipper-snapper in his 20s! I'm like, do you even know what the women your age look like??? I'm all saggy with stretchmarks.

That's strange right? Was just discussing this with a GF yesterday. We don't get it either.
I'm all .... "is there a show out now that's making this a trendy thing?" Kids hitting on us? Are we being punked?
Maybe we look more "accessible" than when we were younger? idk

@Qualia oh my gosh "are we being punked" that's HILARIOUS! I do know that quite a few guys have things for older women and I have a few female acquaintances who love younger men.

I find older men tend to be a bit less selfish. Not always but usually.

@Marcie1974 "I find older men tend to be a bit less selfish. Not always but usually."

So far I'm not feeling that, but still a "newbie" at this... usually would be nice for a change. Today I'm OOFs -_-

@Qualia speaking strictly about the bedroom, it seems like while the younger guys have more stamina...they haven't quite realized that a woman feels pleasure too if you just take a little time and pay attention. With Google you'd think they'd have that all figured out by now.

@Marcie1974 Yeah.... ha


You look great . I wouldn't discriminate against dating younger men , in fact I prefer dating younger man , especially those who prefer dating older women . My Mom married a man three years older than I am , my brother married a woman 10 years his senior , and the love of my life was 14 years younger than I am . Works better than the traditional acceptable age gaps for each of us .

Wow... I read several comments, and I’m amazed, I haven’t experienced anything like that here in AZ. I’m finding most of my neighbors and ladies I meet close to my age, look significantly older than I do, so I’m struggling... I know, poor me.
Frequently in conversation, the subject of school or military comes up and when I say I was drafted in 1963, (at 21) I get a lot of double takes. It’s a terrible burden... kidding.
My photo is from 2017.


I've sleuthed a couple on here who indeed, do lie about their age. I don't see the point in it and to me that makes me wonder what other innocuous ridiculous & petty things they might lie about.
I was never one to lie about my age. It's so dumb. Always feared I'd look "hit" for that age, thankfully most of the time people's jaws drop. E.g. used to get mistaken for early 20s @ 30. I'd rather that than the reverse.
And btw you look fabulous.



sweety men over 50 often have lots of health problems and can't get it up and look older than you or i

LOL! I have no doubt that all of our over 50 male members here on A (many of whom are indeed sexually active and able to get it up) will appreciate this. 🙂

oh really well from my own experience the totally opposite is true and I don't mean one or two im talking 200 or more and average is no fun for fost women that is why they get tired and don't wanna at least that is what I think get then a good one and they come back to life

Speaking for myself, I'm not always as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I always was. But I dated a woman who ran into more than her share of ED guys. In fact, when we met, to play, she grabbed me mid-kiss to see if I was hard.

that's a great song and sometimes true but if its good once isn't enough I always wanna do it again and good is subjective whats good to me isn't always good for others however I have a couple of girl pals and when I vouch for someone they are always very happy @RonWilliam53


You are a hottie and darlin if you want some fun in your life young men are the way to go let your hair down and have fun

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