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Ok so it’s like 9:45am and it’s already 1000 degrees!
Here’s to hoping it can finish these 5 miles before having a Texas heat stroke!

twshield 8 June 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Are you running 5 miles TW ?

Well it's all good..keep it up. ?

@twshield ? stay on target..☑


Did you chose to live there? 😉

@twshield Weeeelll then like my aunt always says: "Too bad, so sad. " 😉 Have fun sweating!

@twshield Well there is some sympathy mixed in there with the 'shit-giving' . 😉


Yeah, it’s hot as hell in Texas!


I feel your pain. I'm about to take the long 5 second walk to my car and I'm sure I'll be drenched in sweat. Texas summers are no joke!


Hang in there man. You’re looking great!


Great job


5 miles of what ?

Thats what we call a wee bit of exercise. Try 20 klm !

Please join me ?

OK! Won't push it !

Stop eating those yummy breakfasts for a start ! Lol

So what was your last post about breakfast about ?

Very funny !!

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