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Just wanna say, I love this place. I've seen posts from a few who weren't happy with the dating aspect. I'm thinking they expected to look at profiles and and ask for dates or something. I don't know how that's supposed to work.
And there was the level 7 guy, who's posts I enjoyed, that said he was disappointed and leaving.
But, for the most part, I've had some very organic interactions with people I respect...lots of conversation I've been missing in the predominantly theist society I've been living in.
I like it here, and I plan to stay!

JustKip 7 June 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Looking at your profile, I think you might like this group. []


Good to hear, and I plan on staying as well. The level 7 guy you referred to was a friend of mine who I had recruited here. He didn't like the way some things were going on this site between the political fighting and numerous spam posts on the public feed, he thought it best to just leave. To an extent, can't say I blame him.


It's pretty cool, the dating on this site is kinda weird.




I agree with you. I've only been here for a short time but I truly love its unique qualities and membership.


I agree. Online forums have inherent issues but it is nice to have one that is more open minded.

It does not seem to be a great dating app but I like the idea that you have to look at the profile and get to know the person you are interested in.


I agree. It’s an interesting way to “meet” people. I don’t see much happening on the dating scene but I do enjoy most conversations and debates.


Me too. While I'd love to see a guy close by and go get drinks and chat I get a sense of fullfillment from the convos I have here too..

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