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This is THE STORY OF STUFF. It's a commentary about the use of our planet's resources and the accumulation of material goods/possessions that perpetuates the exhaustion of those resources while simultaneously polluting our home.

Many of you have probably seen it before, but for those who have not, please consider the message.

Condor5 8 June 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Yeah. Saw that close to 10 years ago in a sociology class. She fact checked it


Yeah. Saw that close to 10 years ago in a sociology class. She fact checked it


If you had to boil down the essence of human failure it's not our lack of knowledge..
No we have knowledge and reason and logic..
Yes we have all the data all the stats..all the figures.
It boils down to one simple repeated error of judgement and procrastination.
Whether it's about global warming..
Or plastics Polution...
Or wildlife conservation
Or peak oil
Or rainforest destruction
Or ice caps melting
Or over fishing
Or Corel destruction
Or whatever...
That will be our epitaph.

You may very well be right about that, my friend.

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