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BBC News: London teen guilty of museum terror plot
I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it:

London teen guilty of museum terror plot - []

What the hell? I just find this weird. What on earth was going on in their minds?

Amisja 8 June 4

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They are being radicalised young.Brainwashed really.

Coldo Level 8 June 4, 2018

An example of how fanatical religion can turn a mother and her two daughters against the very nation that has looked after them.
Then, despite always wearing Islamic garb, she hypocritically appeared in western garb for the trial, claiming she had "reformed". Hah!
In cases where such fanatics have planned to kill ordinary members of the public I would recommend no extenuating circumstances whatsoever.

I would recommend a bullet in the head for each of them

@Shell59 Or, since they are Islamic, perhaps an Islamic punishment such as flogging followed by being publicly stoned to death?

They are British

@Amisja But followers of the Islamic creed.

@Petter Apparently only recently radicalised

@Amisja Still no excuse, though, is it? They need to expose everything about every one of those who radicalised them, at the very least.

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