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have any of you studied varies athiestic philosophies ? if so which do u most identify yourself with ? personally i am very much into philosophy so long as its athiestic . and i really identify myself within anton laveys lititure . i don't identify myself within his religion however i agree with much of it. also buddhism doesnt push beliefs in dietys of any sort believe it or not. the teachings have helpd me a lot through life as well. so i add them into my own philosophy

DavidDeLa89 6 Dec 22

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Many years ago (as counted by me) my wife read an encyclopedia description of the classic Greek stoics -- Seneca, Epictetus, She pointed out to me how close their views were to mine and I agreed.
I don't believe in the supernatural and only blame myself for things in my life that I can affect. From that base I try to be 'part of a solution rather than part of the problem'.
As much as I despair recently about the state of our society, I haven't found any reason to significantly change.

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