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Vero and Melbourne FL beaches.

Pook 5 June 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Hi Pook, I'm looking to relocate to the E. Coast of Fl. after I do a 3 month road trip across the country. Which areas on the Space Coast would you recommend. I rent a room in an apartment or house for a year minimum so that I can get to know the area. I need to get to a coast line in Florida when I get back in November. Thanks for any ideas.

Oh, I do the same thing. I rent a room. Nov through May is in-season here. Very difficult to find affordable in the area. Melbourne beach to cocoa beach is great. I'm in Indian Harbor beach. Do you surf?

@Pook , I'm going on a road trip through Souther US starting in August stopping to see friends & family. To LA for a few weeks with friends & a nephew. Then to Napa with a son that works at UC Davis. I'll return through the center US seeing grandkids at Culver in Indiana & then a son, brother & friends in Ohio. No set dates on anything, just want to travel & sight see as I go with no time line. Ver excited about it. Thanks.

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