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Drumf "disinvites" The Philly Eagles to the White House. What a bag of dicks he is. I hope EVERY NFL players comes out and takes a knee this year.

Secretguy 7 June 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Ironically, not one Eagles player took a knee all season. As if I needed a reason to hate 45 even more, he has now put me in a position to defend the Eagles. I despise the Eagles. Lol


The orange ;haired raccoon head is about to create a new sport. FAns go to the games to beat up non patriots. How exciting. Then we should have all stadiums gun allowed zones. Half time would be the purge. You just gotta love how the president of the USA is Trump. What in the holy hell of the universe did the alt right do to us> Please no excuses for anyone, get out and vote this mid term, DO NOT ALLOW TRUMP ANOTHER INCH for stormy daniels.

EMC2 Level 8 June 5, 2018
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