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Taken from the on-line, English language version of El Pais, a major national newspaper in Spain
One out of every four Spaniards declared themselves to be either atheist or non-believers in a CIS poll conducted in June 2017.

Petter 9 June 5

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i would have thought the number already higher; after all, spain is a european country 😉

40 years ago religion was almost mandatory. It made the US bible belt seem like moderates!


That's the best news I've heard all day!

Thank you Petter. Salut!

¡ y tu !


Yes... I think I would have fought against Franco..If I had been around then.

Almeria province, where I live, was the last province to hold out - and suffered the worst treatment and atrocities.


Wow. That's surprising in what I always considered to be a very Catholic country.

It's partly a reaction to the role the Catholic Church played in support of Franco. All the younger people are highly disillusioned about religion.

@Faithless1 Yeah, but not being religiously affiliated is not the same as atheist by a long shot. Most of those religiously unaffiliated in the US are "spiritual" but not religious. At least half of them are Christians who don't go to church.

@Faithless1 That sounds about right.

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