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Hello, First I need to let folks know that I am a seminary student at a post-modern spiritual/Christian ministry school. We believe that agnostics and atheists have a higher potential to reach the consciousness level that Jesus taught than most Traditional Christians do. One of our text books is "How to Pray Without Talking to God. I'm just here to learn (not proselytize).

Seminarian 7 Dec 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Are we the data points for a research project? Are you going to be quoting people within the body of a thesis? 'Cause that's the only reason I can think of to try to persuade non-believers that you are learning about the god (that is not a god, just an idea, right) that leads to higher consciousness. I'd talk to Buddhists about that kind of concept, myself.

Interpreted correctly (In my view) Jesus was a Buddha type figure. More specifically, he embodied the next level of human conscious development. Many of my fellow Seminarians believe he was merely a literary character, I disagree, but either way, he was an early example of future human potential. This was why he said greater works than these ye shall also do. As far as a research project, I'm not actually planning any research papers, besides Carl Jung, as well as the Transcendentalists pretty much covered everything I could say. I do believe, and have stated in my seminary classes many times, that Atheists and Agnostics possess a higher level of consciousness than most (if not all) Fundy Christians. I think that's obvious though. I have even offered comfort to fellow future New Thought Ministers who are married to Atheists by letting them know how evolved most Atheists I've met on here are.


I find discussions about morality somewhat irrelevant. there is morality and immorality and all of us are some of both. what difference does it make where it came from? is some morality more valid than another? do something with it, right or wrong, because it's nothing as an idea.

welcome., glad you're here.

Yes. Morality is different and one is better than another. In some societies female circumcision is moral, for example. But ultimately there is a true,superior form of morality. It doesn't matter where it's learned as long as it's learned.

don't confuse patriarchal prerogative under the guise of morality as real morality.


If as much time and energy had been expended over the millennia in space exploration as has been expended on religion and controlling people with religion, by now we would be conversing and trading with aliens light years away.


Welcome. I too was in seminary once a long time ago. I hope that we can be of help to you as you develop new ideas.


Once a reasonable person sees the truth of god and religion, it is like seeing the light, the ultimate setting the mind free of all the hate, fear persecution, of and by religious groups. you do the "right thing" with others, because it is the "right thing" and feels right, not because of fear of a god, or laying up points to get into an imaginary heaven, with a bronze aged idea of a fairy god daddy in the sky. If you read all your religious Texts be it Bible or Quo-ran or any other, in its context from cover to cover, and make notes of all the nasty bits you have trouble living with today. you are likely to end up an Atheist or realise "God" is a maniac or you may realise you have a mental disorder. However the chances of staying a faithful believer is the least likely outcome. Please try it and let me know. All of it. Ancient and modern. Enjoy seeing the truth.

One thing you have to remember is that any religious text will only describe the divine from the specific lens of the writer. In other words, if the writer was a warrior his God will also be a warrior. While I find these texts helpful and sometimes enlightening, I don't view them as the be all and end all of human understanding. As far as atheism, I grew up an agnostic and have considered myself an atheist at times. I chose my own path as an informed adult after decades of study. Everyone should do the same. Doesn't mean we should all reach the same conclusions, however. BTW. people on this site have accused me of "being all over the place" . I am actually a pretty standard "New Thought Christian".


I don't believe in a personal or impersonal god....didn't say there is not god...I just have never seen any sign of one or any higher than human existence that deliberately controls or has any interest in this universe or any of the multiverses. If there is a god - so many questions - why does god make it so hard for people to know about it - why does this god allow such horrible things in this world or are we just toys/pets to use, watch and destroy - what is it that this god wants of us - if we can't really be in touch with this god what is our purpose , etc.
So many questions but no answers, no one who can answer.
So if there is a god - who cares. It isn't concerned with me.
no, I just don't believe in an imaginary thing such as this. God is a word made to describe what we don't understand.

PEGUS Level 5 Jan 2, 2018

Of course, I can't fully answer your questions. All I could do is give my personal opinion. I am a "New Thought" Christian and we believe God is a principle. In other words a set of Universal Laws and not an individual entity. Denying that there are laws that govern the universe is like denying gravity. It doesn't matter if you believe in gravity it only matters that you know gravity believes in you.


whew read all the posts and welcome to the group


why do you think people with these labels can reach this level of consciousness?


Welcome to the friendliest and most open minded place on Earth! 🙂

skado Level 9 Jan 1, 2018

I don't know why everyone is arguing. I think whatever this guy is selling is awesome and I'm a God!!! Haha! I knew it!
(I'm sure that is not what he meant but I'm running with it! Also someone looked up the church and referred to it a a cult?? I'm totally down. But just if I'm the god and I DO NOT WANT TO BE SACRIFICED FOR ANY OF YOU)


I just looked up the Spiral Dynamics that you mentioned in a reply. I think you lost a lot of folks by using the words "consciousness levels" because that sounds like pseudo-scientific woo. The Spiral Dynamics is actually rather similar to Maslow's hierarchy of needs or, more closely, Lawrence Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development. These are tools to discuss the development of individual morals and ethics.

I think you're right that a lot of Christians are in the blue section of the spiral or Kohlberg's "law and order" category. This is a description of people whose worldview is very black and white; there is a strictly "right" or "wrong" position, and they are not good with nuance. They are also rather authoritarian. Authoritarianism is kinda what god-belief is all about. So I understand your idea about nonbelievers having the potential to be higher on the chart (although I wouldn't say "higher consciousness" )

Now that we're a bit closer to being on the same page, tell me what Jesus taught that was nuanced or non-authoritarian. I don't have that understanding of his teachings.

I think most of the actual quotes of Jesus were non-authoritarian. I would say however that each Gospel writer had his own take on the message. Matthew (for example) was a social activist and when he uses the term "Jews" he is speaking of those Jews in authority at the time. I also think its important to understand that the actual "New Covenant" is mis understood by todays majority Christians. In the old testament "God's" law is written on our hearts and we will no longer need Prophets to interpret it for US. That's the actual "New Covenant" When Jesus said "Greater works than these you shall also do." He was talking about man kind, not just his disciples. Finally, When I read the Synoptic Gospels, I see Jesus evolving up through various stages just like the stages on the Spiral. This is why I call myself Christian, and why Post Modern Christians call Jesus our "Way Shower". In other words we are following up the Spiral. We don't believe Jesus was a Demi-God, that Idea came from other belief systems.

@UnityBrad I don't understand most of what you just said. It sounds like a bunch of mental gymnastics to try to prove to yourself that the Bible has worth as a moral guide. I understand Kohlberg's theory of moral development just fine without trying to shoehorn Jesus into it. Even if Jesus did progress morally, why is that any more special than anyone else doing it?

@carlyhorton I'm not sure about the morality angle. I didn't grow up in a church, so we may approach the bible from different places. I was an agnostic before I discovered New Thought Christianity. But as for your last sentence, It isn't anymore special than anyone else doing it. It's just recorded but, its all written as allegory. The only reason I believe Jesus existed at all is because they found his tomb in 81. His ossuary was in there. No he didn't walk on water, or multiply fish or resurrect physically. Its all allegory the symbolism is standard Jewish midrash symbolism. I believe in the symbolic lessons not the historical accuracy.


Typical christian hypocrisy. To say you believe we have "a higher potential to reach the conscientiousness level that Jesus taught" is proselytizing draped in psychobabble. Then you tell us your not hear to proselytize Jesus F____ing Christ. ..

I don't feel that people who believe in talking snakes and donkeys, whales swallowing folks then spitting them out alive on the beach can raise my conscience level at all.

If your really here to learn take my advise. It's imposible to learn and talk at the same time. So be quiet, listen and learn.


My question here is, "What did Jesus teach?" We don't know. We have four gospels which have been filtered through Paul, who turned Jesus into a the Hellenistic deity: Christ. The closest we'll ever get to what Jesus taught is James, the little brother of Jesus... still those books have been written and rewritten and then made up and written down again. However, Matthew's Sermon on the Mount (aka Jesus' Manifesto) has to be one of the greatest documents ever written.

That being said, I pray all the time. Who do I pray to? I haven't a clue. Probably me, or that part of me that that has access to resources that the "me" isn't aware of.

It's truth that matters. It's that search, and that willingness to challenge our beliefs... that's what gives us the ability to see beyond the superficial...

PS: This is a happy post... welcome to the group.


If you're here to learn, which I doubt, I suggest you go to the website God is Imaginary.

Toni Level 4 Dec 26, 2017

Okay you have me summed up here. I am an ex atheist, then kinda agnostic, then somehow spiritualist because of my interest in Biblical history...or was that the way things were meant to happen?. I have no answers.

Thing is, this post sums me up very well. I would agree that Christians would maybe find this path difficult to achieve because they are too rigidly tied the teachings of the Church. They cannot accept an alternative( subversive) version of what Jesus was teaching. Which is no different to other historic spiritual teachers by the way. But is eye opening non the less.


Why did you join this group? The real reason.


One thing I'd like you to think about UnityBrad is your concept of "the power if prayer", If god is all-knowing, and Has A Plan, why do you think you could change his mind by praying? So you're actually saying "hey god, I think you've made a mistake here, could you change it? After all, I'm praying." So prayer cannot have ANY power at all (not even a little) if god is omnipotent. Don't make any sense, right UnityBrad?

Prayer cannot change the universal creative process. It can change you. That is the way it has always worked. The purpose of prayer should be to align your thoughts with a higher level of understanding. To use prayer any other way is the Vanity of Vanities (Futility of Futilities). Prayer does have curative properties for our health however, although you would probably be more comfortable describing it as a placebo effect. Either way it works if done affirmatively never from a mental place of lack. Pray as if you've already received your healing. Never beg or bargain.

@UnityBrad - oh boy. You're just talking about thinking. I do it everyday. With no help from any "higher level of understanding". Just common sense. Sorry I won't ever be praying.

@Agnostic1 I am talking about positive thinking. Any technique that helps you achieve that is equally effective. I've recently been experimenting with EMDR videos on YouTube. They seem to work faster than meditation or prayer. You just follow a balloon or something around the screen and stay focused on it while it shows you positive messages. BTW. The best definition of"Enlightenment" is discovering the truth without being angry or depressed about it. That's my goal in a nutshell.

@UnityBrad Oh double boy! Can't you think of something else to do with your time? Like finding a cure for cancer or stopping human trafficking? So much time wasted on trying to find "enlightenment" by watching a balloon or staring at your belly button - when you could be doing something useful!


So have you learnt anything yet UnityBrad?


You know, sir, I posted earlier on this but since have had another thought. I suspect you have serious doubts about your "faith" and are looking for a discrete place to connect with those who boldly state their non believer credentials, a place you don't have in the world you live in. If this is true, and I am only speculating, that is very interesting. Jump in sir, the non believer water is fine.


"agnostics and atheists have a higher potential to reach the consciousness level that Jesus taught.." Really Sir, do you expect us to buy that? I'm sorry, and it isn't my call, but there are lot of places in cyberspace where believers and non believers go at it, but I would rather see this forum for non believers to share, agree, disagree and know like minded - dare I say it - souls. If you are a Christian then you must believe that we are outside a state of grace (or similar nonsense) with God and beyond redemption until we "accept" God. How we can be in such a state but reach the consciousness level that Jesus taught (based on all the First Century AD primary sources that DON'T exist) I have no earthly idea.

I have been accused of being an atheist by my Traditional Christian family members. I said I wouldn't preach, but I believe that God is the Creative Process that created the Universe and is perfectly in line with scientific explanations for these events. Post -Modern Christians do not view God as an individual being. We also are not required to believe that Jesus was God or even an actual person.

Honestly, I don't wish to flame you, but you should relinquish the word Christian. There's no point using this term in your case. Really I don't know what to call you. You are like a flat earther who says I don't have to believe that the world is actually flat to be a post flat eather. You should embrace the views expressed here by non believers, openly and honestly. Best wishes to you Sir for the coming year.


Interesting that you use the terms agnostics and atheists as if they both relate to belief as they address different things. Does your premise also assume that Hindus and Bhuddists have a greater potential to reach the conscious level (whatever that is) more than most Christians. If so, then why are you a Christian? Is it because that as atheists we are free to make our own decisions based on reason and evidence rather than what a bunch of 2000 year old story books tell us?
Could you please clarify what you are trying to say as you post makes no sense to me at all.

What I mean to say is that the way Traditional Christianity is taught, it offers little room for individual interpretation and therefore can hinder ones spiritual (consciousness) growth. The reason I consider my self a Christian is because after studying the Hebrew Symbolism used in the construction of the New Testament, I believe the original message of Christianity was similar in many ways to both Buddhism and Hindu. Why wouldn't it be? The entire middle east was thoroughly Hellenized by the first century and influence from eastern cultures would be logical to assume. BTW. When I say consciousness, I just mean clarity of thought.

Buddhism and Hinduism have little in common with Christianity and certainly weren't hellenised by the first century. Hindu is a polytheistic religion and doesn't have any christ like gods in their beliefs. And Buddhists are essentially atheists. If you are looking for spiritual enlightenment, then Buddhism is the way to go. For me, there is no higher consciousness, there is just consciousness - what else do you need?


That is a fresh and more pleasant way to interact . I appreciate that recently I have been saying love like an atheist . Then its not some so called religious person with there alternative agenda. Generally this is linked to two things 1) others with a different belief system are wrong or 2) one political party or nationality has more relevance then the other. I read thru that and some of the most giving selfless people the type that would march in the civil rights movement even as that was against the norm . So you might have a priest who is committed to his beliefs marching w Martin Luther KING a man of God. Then of the non clergy marching many of whom now areX pats of the church and likely atheists. Though they still donate and believe in things that are for the better of man and mother earth. I have a hard time taking the current administration and its supporters who claim to prioritize there christianity. Every policy and day this president does what ever is the meanest most selfish act. humanly possible as a group of are populous supports in the name of christianity. So if there is truly a loving creator who knows all . I am of the opinion those that are either less or not affiliated with christianity will be viewed more moral, selfless and loving of all creations.Then those who are saturated w a religious belief and fixating on its ways and being brutal to all that disagree and quite honestly likely brutal to folks with similar believes.


Pray? For what reason? Please explain the benefits that accrue from praying.

Very simply, it's similar to the power of positive thinking. It should be practiced affirmatively and never from a position of supplication. It will never change objective reality, but it can change our subjective reality.

Merely changing ones vocabulary can change mindset, that subjective reality you mentioned. Critical thinking is the most powerful tool there is for eradicating nonsense through both adjusting the objective and subjective realities. The sort of praying you're suggesting is really not much different from meditation and you have not made your case.

To be fair here spent my life critical thinking but It got me nowhere, at least as far as reconciling my life with life. Then I followed that thinking and looked at this debate througout the ages. It is not a new debate. We have had the best most enlightened brains throughout history look at this. Mostly they come up with similar answers
Confucious,Bhuddha,The anclent Greeks,Judaism,Toaism,Hiduism and even the gnostic Christians and Sufi muslims.


Interestingly, a friend of mine once indicated that my actions are a lot more like what Jesus taught than any of the religious people she knows. I was flattered and amused. 🙂


Hello brad, what is it that you wish to learn? If you are not here to proselytize am curious that you feel the need to mention our potential to become religious?

If by that you mean (as studies show) we tend to be more intelligent and inquisitive then I accept the compliment but feel it comes from a false perspective.

As for praying it has been shown through double blind trials to have zero effect, most prefer actively doing something useful rather than sending thoughts and prayers.

With respect


Oh, no. I don't think atheist have a greater potential to become religious. I feel they have a greater potential NOT to become religious. That's a good thing. In my opinion Religions are just other peoples opinions institutionalized. I have no doubt that prayer would have little or no effect unless those prayers are strictly positive. Affirmations and denials do have a positive effect on healing, just as a positive attitude toward our treatments do.

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