I believe that prostitution belongs in modern society and is wrongly judged by religious standards.
If prostitution is illegal, why is it that the women are mainly the ones arrested? Why are the johns not routinely arrested. Also, there is a lot of sex-trafficking going on, which means one of the parties is being forced to have sex. I think decriminalized prostitution will make that situation worse.
I think the two at least slightly tied. If johns are arrested, it may lessen demand. And less demand would hopefully lead to less sex trafficking & slavery. I’m not a big fan of criminalization, but if it is illegal both parties should arrested. Sorry I’m that radical feminist your parents warned you about.
There will always be a demand for prostitution. In some cultures buyers are arrested but prostitution remains.
Government should stay out of what two consenting adults do. End of story.
It's a service between two consenting adults. Get the law out of this agreement.
You cannot convince a republican that small government means no control over a person's sexuality. That's the main problem.