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Recognize what science is

Neil degrasse tyson

paul1967 8 June 7

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I believe we are all living in a MAZE for anything out there for us to determine what is and what isn't. I have always loved science but like anything else in life everything we see and hear still is our problem to find out what is and what isn't. Fake news, fake products, fake political ads everything that is not real. .... I believe some of you know back in the day when encyclopedias were in every household, and we believed these finds to be true. What else could we do but look it up and there it was in those books. We are here to decipher ourselves what we want or what we believe is the truth. No one is here to back us up... When you go through this maze you will find your way to what you believe to be true. If we believe that science must give us the facts to live our lives then everything else will want to follow. Drugs will then be truth findings in how bad they are for us and pharmaceuticals will lose. This doesn't sound like a bad idea, BUT everyone knows these companies DO NOT lose they always win. If science becomes a subject where money is involved then truth will prevail.....

Every human being's perceptions are distorted by confirmation bias. We all tend to gravitate to echo chambers that reinforce our preconceptions and prejudices.

This is true of Tyson's followers as well as Trump's birthers. Tyson and his fans have a smug complacency that is not deserved. They pay lip service to skepticism but fail to challenge Tyson's questionable claims. Pseudo skeptiics like Sam Harris, Michael Shermer, Phil Plait et al are comical hypocrites. They're a lot like the adulterous Republicans preaching family values.

@HopDavid People are always looking for answers. This video is a confirmation of what he believes and everyone else that follows him. Do we go on endlessly or do we find the answers, the truth. We can't all be right in our theories of what we believe,


possibly scientific research has become more & more corrupted during the past decades, since a scientist would more often than not have had an idealistic interest in his/her field of expertise.

in my eyes climate change is undeniable, whether it is mainly caused by humans or not - what does it matter, as long as we are the ones who could have turned it around? the vaccination issue, on the other hand, i find a very personal matter, & every sane adult should be free to decide individually whether they need a flu shot or not, as catching a virus very much depends on the way we keep our immune system up & working - i haven't had a cold in 15 years.

i think the internet has contributed to a lot of confusion when it comes to scientific truth. here is one of the currently most deluded & deluding creatures of scientific humbug, david avocado wolfe:


Why can't we have someone as intelligent as Neil for president rather than an orange orangutan who has zero respect for truth?

gearl Level 8 June 8, 2018

Tyson and the orange orangutan are two sides of the same coin. An ignorant populace that values celebrity and entertainment more than rigor and accuracy. Sorry to break it to you, but Neil is also a source of alternate facts.

@HopDavid Uh-hu!

@gearl Here's a Washington Post article: []

And here is my list: []


The great application of logic, reasoning, and critical thinking that Neil gives is incredible!!! The application of physicists!!!

It is a stretch to call Tyson a physicist.


Exploiting the unknown to open ideas creating curiosity novaing (I made this word up being a poet I have this advantage) into elaborate adventure both in your mind as well in physical experience.

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