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Two questions / complaints about this site

Hi. Just signed up today. Wondering if any one has answers to these...

  1. The email that I was supposed to get, to verify the email / site, never came, despite asking for it a couple of times. Does it even matter, since I'm able to use the site any way, regardless?

  2. Under the Search function, under the "Meet" tab, it makes you re-type your zip code every time you search, and if you don't put it your zip code every time, it's useless to put anything into the "within X miles of" field since it just doesn't work.- returns results from many hundreds to thousands of miles away as the top results... Why on earth doesn't it just default to ya know, MY zip code on that page?


DannyLandrum 5 Dec 23

Enjoy being online again!

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The answer to your first question is to check your spam box. I just signed up today and that's where I found mine.


Wait - one other one. I shared this site on Facebook, with the proper link, but did not get the 100 points I was supposed to get. This site looks generally very well organized and inter-connected, but there appear to be some definite bugs to work out.

The "credit" should show in time. Did it?

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