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Who else suffers from Alice in Wonderland Syndrome(AIWS)?

I have AIWS. Who else suffers from the syndrome? It's quite difficult to describe to people who don't suffer from it how it feels.
I hope to meet someone who also suffer from it to share my experience with.

Malachiseyi 4 June 8

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Please describe the condition. I do not know what you are talking about. Do you take a lot of LSD?


Yeah ! I have now discovered many women suffer from it, from the size of your wallet to the size of your dick !


its not the same thing as a sort of body dysmorphic disorder sort of thing, where you have a localized perceptual thing, in which, hands, feet, extremities, seem to be of a much larger or smaller size to the sufferer? Ive heard it described by some as that..


As a teenager, I remember sitting on the floor in the hallway of our high school, waiting to take a test. The walls and ceiling seemed to rise and I felt small as a bug. I have termed it a passing dissociative episode and understood it is not unusual in adolescents. I do however have migraines and an ever-changing and evolving array of auras and symptoms. I hope your AIWS is not too distressing and perhaps one day the episodes will decrease or vanish. It does seem likely that it is neurological and genetic, as migraines are. Good luck to you, Friend.

Thanks, friend.
The distress is more about the loneliness than the symptoms itself. I lived for 27yrs not know the term for it and how to describe it to people. Even when I know the word for it, it gets scary when I visit the so called professionals and they say they are hearing it for the first time.
At least, now I know I'm not alone.

@Malachiseyi The medical community is way behind on many things. And they hate to think they don't know everything. No, you are not alone. I will keep a good thought for you.


This is brand new to me. I had to Google the term. Wow! Learning!

Deb57 Level 8 June 9, 2018

Oh my goodness I experience this often when I close my eyes and I'm trying to sleep. I never knew other people experienced things like that. I've never personally had any of those experiences while my eyes were open. It only happened when my mind was under deep stress and anxiety and I was trying to calm myself

Yea! That is it!
When I was younger, it only happens when I close my eyes, but now it can happen with my eye wide opened if I sit still for a long time.
And deep stress and anxiety is life daily life. I'm a Nigerian atheist after all. ?
So how do you pull yourself out of the episodes?

@Malachiseyi I actually turn on my Harry Potter audio books lol because that's what I have now. The TV is too stimulating for my eyes and music tends to make me think more. It works well for me to listen to someone read a book


It's not strange that people here don't know about it. It's a kinda rare genetic disorder (I think it's genetic because my brother suffers from it as well). Even I didn't know the name for it until last year, although I have been experiencing it since I was a toddler. In fact, my first memory was an episode of it.
I experience AIWS in episodes that can last from seconds to hours, if I let it.
The experience is quite difficult to describe. There is distortion in size. The distortion is usually very great. I might view myself as a fraction of an ant compared to the room I am sitting. Or view a pickup truck as the size of a mobile phone. Sometimes it comes as infinitely number of a particular object or objects. In fact, it could come as infinite number of my whole 3D surrounding.
For those who saw Marvel's "Dr. Strange", it is quite similar to the multiple hand illusion that the sorceress supreme threw Dr Strange into when the first met.
Usually I have episodes of AIWS when I want to try to sleep or when I sit still in a position for extended period of time without moving my muscles. The intensity and frequency of AIWS is increased by depression and tiredness. I stop the episode by walking around, moving my muscles in other ways or trying to bring my mind back into the now.
I know I'm typing too much, but it is quite difficult going through a syndrome that is very rare and so little is known about it that even most doctors have never heard of it.
I hope I'll meet people with similar symptoms. At least I'll know I'm not alone.


Never knew it existed till now !   Live and learn ?

I've never heard of it either! Just looked it up. The more you know...

True..... !

Now I get it. Most women suffer from it, from the size of your wallet to the size of your dick.


OK, I almost passed on the post because I didn't realise what it was, the term is unfamiliar.
Have had it since about 14, brought on by stress back then. Doctors decided it was sinus so I had them scraped. Flashy wavy lights continued with headaches in times of stress, particularly on overcast days or under fluorescent lights. Last year I had surgery for pterygium but it did not help. I just avoid going outside if it is overcast, fluros. Lying down in teh quiet with a pillow over my head helps.


No, but I experienced some of the same symptoms when half delirious with malaria and dengue fever.

Also, when totally trashed on cannabis oil


Would you mind telling our studio audience a little bit about AIWS and how it has affected your life?

It's not strange that people here don't know about it. It's a kinda rare genetic disorder (I think it's genetic because my brother suffers from it as well). Even I didn't know the name for it until last year, although I have been experiencing it since I was a toddler. In fact, my first memory was an episode of it.
I experience AIWS in episodes that can last from seconds to hours, if I let it.
The experience is quite difficult to describe. There is distortion in size. The distortion is usually very great. I might view myself as a fraction of an ant compared to the room I am sitting. Or view a pickup truck as the size of a mobile phone. Sometimes it comes as infinitely number of a particular object or objects. In fact, it could come as infinite number of my whole 3D surrounding.
For those who saw Marvel's "Dr. Strange", it is quite similar to the multiple hand illusion that the sorceress supreme threw Dr Strange into when the first met.
Usually I have episodes of AIWS when I want to try to sleep or when I sit still in a position for extended period of time without moving my muscles. The intensity and frequency of AIWS is increased by depression and tiredness. I stop the episode by walking around, moving my muscles in other ways or trying to bring my mind back into the now.
I know I'm typing too much, but it is quite difficult going through a syndrome that is very rare and so little is known about it that even most doctors have never heard of it.
I hope I'll meet people with similar symptoms. At least I'll know I'm not alone.

@Malachiseyi There’s a group on here for rare diseases such as ehlos danlers; I’m there because I have gastroparesis. Please does help to talk to others with rare disorders.

@Malachiseyi it’s called Autoimmune Disorders and Rare.
We are the zebras.

@Malachiseyi I had no idea this even existed. It sounds absolutely frightening.

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