13 6

how certain are you god does not exist ? 0% 25% 50% 75% 90% 95 % 99% 100 %? reason o ask is because to join this social sight it asked you . actually very interested in hearing everyones response to this. id say im 95 % shure of his non existence. i guess anything is possible . who knows maybe higher power clowns created the universe lol. doubtful but that seems just as absurb as a higher diety being in charge. i can however say the god christains believe exist is 100 % false . i could go on and on about my reasonings but i don't care too atm. but maybe god is something completely different then to what we thought he was. maybe every religion is wronge about him or her or hell even an it. again i see no reason to believe in a god at all but hell i geuss anythings possible.

DavidDeLa89 6 Dec 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I am 100% certain that Zeus does not exist.
I am 100% sure that Yahweh does not exist.
! am 100% sure that Sheva does not exist.
I am 99.999999999999999999recurring% convinced no gods exist.

I have seen no evidence whatsoever for anything supernatural existing.

However, a null hypothesis is not possible to prove, so if evidence comes to light that a god does exist, I will change my mind and become a theist.



Leah Level 5 Dec 25, 2017

How certain? Frankly, I don’t care.

fair enough lol


I can see why the survey does it, but I hate being asked to put numbers on things that I'm non-binary on. I don't believe but I don't entirely rule out the possibility. What's to be achieved by trying to express that in percentage terms?


Let me use an analogy.

I will PREDICT THE FUTURE (wow!) - if I lift my pen up, and hold it above the table, then release it, it will ACCELERATE DOWNWARDS TOWARDS THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH AT 9.8 METERS PER SECOND SQUARED.

One moment while I do the experiment (sorry - you have to imagine me doing this) ... Yes. Experiment done - and the pen did accelerate as I predicted, in the direction I predicted. In fact I did the experiment twice, just to make sure.

Isaac Newton's 'theory of gravitation' is still JUST A THEORY. An intellectual proposal that seeks to explain what we see happening around us - but it has been tested mind-numbingly vast numbers of times and it KEEPS WORKING. It keeps accurately predicting what we actually see.

Let me just test gravitation one more time, after all this might be the test that disproves the theory ... No. It worked again.

Can I be CERTAIN that the next time I drop my pen the same thing will happen? Absolutely, totally certain - beyond all possible conception of doubt?

No I can't - but, you know what? I trust what I observe to the point that I no longer have any personal doubt that gravitation is 'real'.

(Let me just check one more time ... Yes, the pen fell - again)

I feel much the same about the non-existance of god. Can I be absolutely, totally, 100% certain he doesn't exist?

On an intellectual level I have to admit there is doubt - but on a personal level, guess what? He isn't bloody there.


he either does or doesn't so I'm a 100% no


A full 100 percent. By the way atheism is not believing the existence of God or religion. So it can not be anything less than 100 percent. Of course if you are not certain you can call yourself agnost or even a doubtful believer. But never an atheist.


I was 90% lol I don't know it just seemed like a reasonable, solid percentage but the truth is despite all the evidence I could have a delusional psyche (as in my reality doesn't conform to the norm) and wake up to realize all the evidence was farse but I don't see that happening. Evidence > faith


I believe my response was 99%


99.9999999999999999999...9% If you'd like an explanation for why I don't go the whole nine yards, just ask.


Civilizations come and go. Usually their gods die with them. They become mythology. The current lineup of gods are well on their way to this end. Our world will change, hopefully for the better. Jesus and the Holy Ghost and Mary and the Prophets and Jehovah will take their place in the history books with Zeus and Aphrodite and Odin. The more interesting question is what gods will take their places?


I generally try to steer clear of absolutes in any field of understanding. Certainty nourishes comfort, but not wisdom. I have not seen any evidence that a literal god person exists, and I have no reason to believe anything there's no evidence for. That's as far as I need to go. I don't need certainty, and don't find it desirable.

skado Level 9 Dec 25, 2017

When asked if I believe in god, I respond with a request; Define God. If their definition is self contradictory, I am 100% sure that it does not exist.

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