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Outside the observable universe

So whenever I debate someone about the origins of the universe, I always try to define what they mean by universe. Are we talking about our observable universe or the universe in full. (If that makes sense) I know there's plenty of theories about multiverses and such and its nonsensical to talk about what happened before a big bang. My question is: What is our observable universe expanding into and could this greater area have certain traits and laws that have always existed?

JordanPF 2 June 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Google some of the physics blogs..plenty of cool theories out there.


I suppose the observable universe is expanding into the non-observable universe. But to me it raises questions about the meaning of existence. If there are things that we can never see even in principle, no matter how good our instruments became, what does it mean to say that these things even exist?

Coffeo Level 8 June 11, 2018

I hadn't noticed the expansion. Tell me where to look.

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