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Trump is a symbol of natural evolution within capitalism. His lack of morality and compassion, for those he exploits to get rich, is rewarded.


This is not new, every administration has this going on. Look at the Clintons Admin. They all do this.

Yes. The Clinton Foundation was a huge scam.

@Ellatynemouth Their all scammers, Decent people can't survive politics long enough to make change

@Akfishlady Obama did it, they all do. Thats why their in politics.

Obama didn't.

@FSMGirl yes he did

@Krypto-Knight Got evidence?

@FSMGirl his stock in ballot counting machines, (according to Public Speaking fees. Michelle Obama received huge amounts for speaking as First Lady. He also received a Nobel Prize for potential to do, not for anything actually done. Million dollars go with the prize. All Presidents make money on the side. Trumpty Dumpty doesn't accept the Presidential pay check, but does make sure his investments pay off. George Washington owned a whiskey distillery, rye.
It's just the nature of the beast, part of the game.

@Krypto-Knight 3rdEyeOpener is a new age sales site touting "cures" not supported by science and hardly a trustworthy site for news. How about something more credible?


They are money pigs just like her father.

Marine Level 8 June 12, 2018

They are money pigs just like her father.

Marine Level 8 June 12, 2018

Scum of the Earth


They make me think of Dorian Gray.


I do not begrudge their money. I do, however, question what qualifies them to be presidential advisors.

@Akfishlady Well said

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