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Do you believe in reincarnation?

James 4 Oct 8

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No evidence to support it, so nope.


I've looked into it and think it's very possible. I like to think we come back again and again to improve and have a chance to get it right. I don't think we can ever know for sure so it's just a theory. I'm not invested in it but I like the idea.


The human body is a chemical combo. After death, the body decays and return to the soil as various elements. That is the end of the story.


Yes, if you consider that the universe while vast in its scope and size is a closed loop in that nothing new is created just converted into something else then the same is probably true regarding human life essence.

SamL Level 7 Oct 9, 2017

It's an interesting concept, I can understand why humans invented it. I have zero reason to believe it's a real thing.


Yes we're already reincarnated in a way because the atoms get reused over and over.


NO, but I kind of like the idea that I could keep coming back until I became the best me I could be, i.e., that I could keep learning and growing and perhaps even become a teacher.

Also that I love science and technology and I want to be able to see where technology goes next and to see how we, as a species, develop, hopefully, into better human beings.


I would rather we just die and stay dead. I do not know if reincarnation is a thing. I imagine that life energy does recycle in some way in the universe. I doubt any consciousness of that life energy continues on, however


Yes, and I've had this belief before I ever heard of Buddhism or Hinduism. I'm not sure how or why I came to this conclusion.

CS60 Level 7 Oct 8, 2017

Sounds better to me than the heaven/hell theory, at least


I think there might be something to it.



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