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We have wars between religions everywhere. Where iz the war on religion?

I see bits and pieces, here and there, in a few country's but godamnit, we ain't winning. I bet aliens even make a left turn after a quick peek at us with an Lol in the rear view mirror. C'mon, something like the perfect commercial, in every language, to get them Woke.Ideas??? Or just keep plugging away?
I'm old and would love to see some major progress before i go.

IzMark 4 June 12

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I think Dawkins, Hitchens and so on are doing a great job of promoting critical thinking, and in many countries it is not only the percentage of Christians that is going down but what it means to be a Christian is changing. In my grandparents' day everybody would go to church, read the bible and pray before meals. Nowadays it seems to have reduced to just, come to church for Christmas.

Denker Level 7 June 13, 2018

I enjoy Ronald Reagan Jr's TV commercial for the Freedom From Religion Foundation: "I'm Ronald Reagan Jr -- proud atheist -- and NOT afraid of hell."

Seriously though, I see us making tortuously slow but steady progress. The marginalization of religion is the work of centuries. The gentling of it is already in progress. Sometimes we spend so much time ragging on fundamentalists here that we forget that 83% of Christianity on a worldwide basis is not evangelical, and much of that holds its faith quite loosely by comparison.


The Pope coming out would be cool, lol.

IzMark Level 4 June 12, 2018
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