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Thats been happening for yrs. Its not a new,Trump thing. Its costing over 2 bil.per yr to give them free foodstamps,free housing,free medical care - for life,now expect free college. They are not Americas responsibility. Yes,some of them work but get cash paying jobs which goes unreported. They have so much work that America has sent to Mexico that its caused Americans to suffer. Mississippi,W.Va.,S.Ga.have no work. All of tbe manufacturing jobs are gone. Take away the Gov benefits and I guarantee that they will choose another county force themselves on. For those who are on here to attack and argue I have seen it with my own eyes for yrs and yrs.

If you are not moving forward then you are sliding backwards...the jobs that we thought were "good jobs" back in the 50's and 60's are becoming a thing of the past (i.e. coal mining, manufacturing, etc). And if that's all you can cling to - then the future is not going to be very bright for you. We should be retraining our work force to be able to hold down the jobs that will actually exist for the next generations...the ones in technology and the medical/health care fields. And to your point about the work that America has sent to Mexico - why do you think the number of people coming from Mexico into the US has slowed way down over the past several years? Because they have jobs now in their own country....and the American companies who moved down there are busy counting their profit $$$ and laughing all the way to the bank. Isolationism has been tried repeatedly and has never been successful...economies based on global partnerships and cooperation will be the ultimate solution. But unfortunately all of this is lost on the 71 yr old man sitting in the oval office whose views are rooted in the past and is now only concerned with amassing as much personal wealth as he can....and throwing out a continuous stream of distractions to divert our attention from the real problems.

@Lavergne Its not for me and Im not clinging to it. Towns with no where to work for poor, uneducated people who know nothing else is who Im concerned with.Theres nothing there.Businesses closed down years ago,no hope.They need help desperately. Like Veterans,they should come first.Those are real problems.Im not on here to argue or place blame like everyone else.Americans should be top priority.


I don't know how the reporters in that room with her can restrain themselves from telling her to go and fuck herself ... in the ass... with a cactus... sideways.


Romans 13 was used by the Torys to oppose the American Revolution and by the southern slave holders to justify slavery. Now, Jeff Sessions used it to justify kidnapping children and keeping them from their parents. It's evil and repugnant.


She sold her soul long ago and you can see it in her face. Seems to me that she's the perfect mouthpiece for the treasonous groper.


Yes but her face says it all. Disdain and hate to those to whom she is talking.


She is a great example of a good Christian. ...

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