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LINK Disturbed - Another Way To Die [Official Music Video] - YouTube

It’s just getting worse!

goldrose 7 June 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Prefer the video over the music..but both are reassuringly grim..which probably means true.

Whoever said truth is beauty?

But really we need to a handle on these issues before we choke on them.


As I type this the carcinogens from the plastic leaking into my skin. The electromagnetic radiation produced from the electronics are corrupting the nuclei in my cell structure. Let me take a drink of water, oh there just consumed how many genetically alter microbes from all the medicines excreted by all the people ingesting medicine to cure something flushed down the toilet.

azzow2 Level 9 June 15, 2018

So many ways to die! Killing the planet is usually a final death!

@goldrose I chose to think of so many ways to live, the negative does not go over well with me. As you can see from my short paragraph above I have this thing if I concentrate hard enough I can find the deadliest details in things.

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