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God vs Lucifer (Don't you just love a good plot hole?)

I've read the bible as if it were a poorly structured novel. You have the protagonist (God) and the antagonist (Lucifer.) God created the angels and though he granted them strength to defend heaven, but he didn't give them freewill. And God is supposedly infallible and all-knowing. Therefore, God created Lucifer, not being endowed with freewill, to be his rival. Then he condemns his creation to hell. If God is good and great as the bible claims him to be, then why would he create a being specifically to be tortured until he has broken the shackles and provides the destruction of all God "loves?"

Gohan 7 June 15

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For the record, I've never destroyed anything. Quite the opposite, in fact. I will claim credit for chatting about human rights with Adam and Eve though...


Stupidity be thy name, never read about someone being so stupid. He even beats the 3 Stooges all lump together. and add to tha dumb and dumber !

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