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LINK Religious law may be coming to America. But it’s not sharia; it’s Christian. - The Washington Post

Christian Sharia Law. Coming to you now.

This was a Feb 2017 Op Ed in the WP. Nailed it pretty well.

KateZilla 7 June 15

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Sharia Law comes from Leviticus. If you read both books, the bible and the Koran you will find the same statements. Who is going to enforce it and who is going to interpret what law. This is unconstitutional. Separation of church and state, first amendment in constitution.


Coming to America? It's bloody already here. 😟

Ozman Level 7 June 23, 2018

No way the republicans are a dying party this might be the end for them

A true optimist!

I wish you were right, but I fear you are not.

@Deb57 nixon,reagan,bush bush2,trump it can't possiby get any worse i mean i hope not

@Seanjohn it can get a lot worse. Read the 'rise and fall of the third reich' Albert shire. Good to see what the economics is like. The story of the wheelbarrel.


This is definitely not a time for complacency.


CounterRevolutionaries xians all have passed xian laws since 1787 Northwest Ordinance including tax money to print USA bibles as weapons against us Native Americans FIRST NATIONS. ...John Quincy Adams made a tiny Atheist affirmation of our gawdless Constitution by swearing upon a LAW BOOK refusing the ceremonial bible offered @ Inauguration. ...minutes passed before the lawbook was substituted for the obscene misogynistic anti-science genocidal pro-violent abortions bible. ...Grant vetoed many religious laws and signed several BLAINE AMENDMENTS for secularism. ...all told xians have had their way until Atheism's First Family Murray won US Sup Ct 1963 banning REVERENTIAL bible reading and RITUAL prEyer in schools. least 20 states freely admitted refusal to follow the MurrayVcurlett decision TO THIS DAY DR Madalyn Eads Murray O'Hair is the most hated woman in USA dead 23 years beheaded and buried in acid barrels along with her raped daughter Robin and good son Jon


A bunch of folks, including me, have been saying this for quite a while.


Gillead anyone? Handmaid’s Tale becoming non fiction.

Blessed be the fruit…. oh what atrocities the faithful commit in ignorant blind religious zealotry


We MUST fight against the evangelicals in this tendency -- in the judicial system, in the court of public opinion, and by making politicians know that they will pay a price for betraying our democracy and Constitution


I see the Handmaids Tale leaving the fiction section of the bookstore soon as America is turned into Gilead by the Christian extremists


Not much difference.

JacarC Level 8 June 15, 2018

I think you need to talk to native americans, they seems to have a more fresh, clear perspective than washington post. They can tell you of their firsthand becoming civilized experience.

This is a great idea. The Indians can teach us much.

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